I also noticed some ammo issues as well, happened for me when I was using some combined weapons. Ammo pickups weren't giving the ammo type the weapon used.
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Yeah restarting computer and closing other stuff was one of the first things I did to see, makes a difference but game still becomes a slow-mo trainwreck for me unfortunately. Hopefully the move the gms2 will improve things, until then oh well.
Maybe try and get people to fill out a quick survey to see what kind of hardware people use and what general performance they get, a connection might be made.
Well, I'm running a Ryzen 5 2600, should be more than capable lol. My cpu usage stays ~10% while playing.
I've played modded nt a fair bit with larger ones like bruce's pack, this is the first time I've run into any major performance issues.
I tried toggling offline mode, which had very little effect. Game felt smoother for the first bit but the lag still picks up hard as soon as I go to the aquatic path or on the vanilla path gets gradually worse first becoming really noticeable in the crystal caves.
Also messing with the water quality options and toggling shaders didn't seem to make any performance changes positive or negative..?