Viatica was outstanding and I already really like Cantata~ I can't wait to see where you go with this! =D
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Mel was my favorite sister; I was honestly irritated by crazy-ass Millie's antics and personality, but then again, I am an oldest daughter with seven younger siblings and many nieces and nephews, so well-done with the sibling dynamics! I would have enjoyed it much more if it had been considerably longer, with a more fleshed-out story (I'm a B-movie fan and this game definitely brought them to mind!) Nicely done and I'm going to be checking out your other stuff as well~
While I do commend you for trying to do something different, I can honestly say I am not a fan. I did not find the "Medyuu" interpretation of Medusa as endearing at all; to me, the cutesy character does ot do the intelligent, brave and strong mythological Gorgon justice. The butchering of the mythological characters' names (poor Medusa, Stheno and Euryale in particular!) was very weird. I'm very much a fan of Medusa and many retellings of her story (and I understand all retellings and reimaginings have drastically different plots, that's not at all anything against you and is very necessary!) I just wasn't fond of the game in general. That does not reflect anything but my own tastes and defininitely is not intended to be a bad thing in any way-- many game developers (and movie producers, musicians, etc) I like a lot do end up making something I'm not a fan of. BUT! I can see that a lot of time and work was invested in your game, the graphics were very charming and because I am quite curious, I'm going to try a few of your other games, since I can see you do have promise as a developer~ =) I hope you continue making games whenever you can !
Damn! I can understand why you say you hated writing that, I really can! But that's beside the point... holy shit, as weird as it might sound, that was one hell of a great punch to the gut~! It might not have been a long chapter, but it was well worth it; once again, excellent work~! I seriously cannot wait to see what comes next <3
Hey there and you're welcome~! Haha no problem at all, I completely get why you'd be hesitant in hindsight and it's a very valid reason~ No need to apologize, seriously, it was just a "hey, I wonder," sort of question, not one with any weight behind it at all :D It's hard not to, considering how incredible most birds really are~ Thank you! I've taken in and raised several unusual animals since I was a kid, comes from living in the country most of my life (and desert, now. XD) I've had Hector (my Starling, who's with me for as long as he wants to be,) a fruit bat I rescued from my pool and kept until it was able to fly again, tons of garter, red and blue racer snakes, a possum and a couple of skunks. ^.^ Now, it's just Hector, Twinkie (she's a tuxedo cat I've rased from a stray kitten) and a three-legged turtle named Yurtle. :D
Anyway, before I keep rambling nonsensically about animals and whatnot: seriously, the post-apocalyptic genre (and all its subgenres,) your way of writing and characterization is excellent; you've got yourself a new (pain in the ass, mind you :P) follower~
This is an excellent WIP and I can't wait to see where you go with it. I've played Heron's route so far and will be playing through the others' as well, there's seriously no one I don't like, which is a first. Your writing is extremely good, especially your descriptions. If there's one extremely minor request I might make, would you be willing to include Starling as one of the name options the players can pick from? Haha, I'm only asking because the common starling is my favorite bird and I've got one as a pet that I've raised from a fledgeling that I found on the ground.
Absolutely beautiful tileset that I will be trying to see if I can buy tomorrow! I had a random idea, though, for your Legendary Palaces series~ While epic, deadly beasts are absolutely perfect, what about a slime palace/dungeon? Everyone knows and adores the iconic RPG slime and its million variations. It seems as though this person has edited your tiles and is trying to pass them off as theirs.
Oh, nice~! I can completely understand why you held off on everything else, when the package would have ended up being far too big. I can't wait to see how your smith and armory turn out! I think a forge is the only real thing that would be missing from the blacksmith/weaponsmith shop, honestly. Hmm... store-wise, the only other one I think you're missing (and would end up covering the main shops in most RPGs) would be a general item shop. :)
Absolutely perfect addition to fantasy shops (and houses!) I was wondering though, since I'm working slowly on continuing to swap out other graphics for your stuff: would you consider making two more fantasy-type shops? A weaponsmith (preferably with a forge and a decent array of weapons, including things like war-hammers, halberds, glaives, bladed fans, et cetera) and an armor/clothing store?
I'm going to message them on Discord this morning and find out~! That does help though; I'm glad they're patient when I'm trying to act as a message intermediate for them - and I do appreciate your quick response as well! Hopefully everything will be figured out soon and they'll be able to post on their own here :)
Hey, guys!
I know I really haven't posted here before and everything on my game page has been silent for a little while (Had to get a new computer, lost a bunch of things, so I'm starting over.) Anyway, my question is: I've got a friend who joined and they are wanting to start building a team so they can work on their own game. (They are a very good artist and have a lot of their game already planned/mapped out conceptually.) However, they tried to post on the forum here, received a 404 error and sent in a ticket to try and see what's going on. I know things take time, but it's been three days so far and they haven't had a response of any sort. Roughly how long should I tell them it takes for support to respond- and about how long should I tell them to wait before submitting another ticket?
I adore that you were able to get to one of my two suggestions this quickly! I really like what you did with the idea and I will definitely be buying it when I get paid in two weeks~ ! I already know exactly where and how it's going to be used. :) (I've got Drider/Aranaea sprites and battlers to fill it with~ ^.^)
I use RPG Maker VX Ace and I have been using some of your tilesets. (I fully intend on buying and using more as finances permit every payday! :D) I was thinking though: I adore everything that you have and ended up coming up with a couple of ideas! Not sure if it would fit with your "Legendary Palaces" series, but something related to spiders/Driders in a dark fantasy style like the Legendary Palaces would be very neat! So would a true Ghost Town tileset (abandoned, ruined, somber/eerie fantasy town); not sure if either would be something you'd be interested in making eventually, but it never hurts to ask!