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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I thought it was a dog, so at least there's no cannibalism in my perspective

It's literally been a year, why the sudden regret?

(I still rember)

So cool! Who would have imagined teaching students could be so hard!? Heheh, I like the idea of training your heroes so they can fight for you


Sometimes after the weekend I'd get a black screen (which had sounds like choosing) before going to the "pick a student to speak to" screen

After supreme victory in forest I got this: invalid map event: 16

Happy late b-day! Damn, that's a long time to be working on a game

Absolute cinema

(2 edits)

Hi hi, I loved this game! It's so very good! I liked it more than cave story, to be honest. Dunno why exactly, maybe I am weird.


I wanna do a pacifist run now, see the new stuff. (There's a few things I am hoping for) Also save my coin from mood machines.

A few serious notes:

In the cave with the drunk girl, you can get softlocked if coming out with no big bullet ammo. Kinda on you tho

The sprite for the gun burst and the sprites for the bullets have slightly different speeds, so if you quickly look in another direction, the burst will go that way while the bullets go the opposite

Lucia's shell is wrongly described, it says shotgun despite being a machine gun

I don't think the panic ring actually works. Unless it's less than double strength, due to the way I tested it.

wow, actual bug: After jumping in the blood lake with fishing gurl




action number 1

of Draw Event

for object objBullet:

Trying to draw non-existing sprite.

at gml_Object_objBullet_Draw_0



stack frame is

gml_Object_objBullet_Draw_0 (line -1)

Also, I found the secret :D  *eye winks* *eye winks* Maybe I shouldn't tell anyone about this...

You can die after getting all the targets (the poison lake) and when overworked girl/Amelia respawns you, ya die

This is totes my actual record and not at all a bug:

The graphical map loads after the map itself, I think, so I can open the save dialogue before there's anything on the screen. or walk, or shoot. etc

The menu should change load to be the first option, sucks having a mini heart attack cuz you pressed begin and are scared of it overwriting your save

LMAO the last boss fight, with the cult leader girl, after fighting you can just go left back through the door you entered and she will stop you again. You can keep doing the boss fight forever.

A few random notes:

The mood machine is right, I am in love with the pit of despair! I didn't break a single spinny thing on my way out, I hope this is acknowledged later on PS: it was not :(

I like the librarian lady :D My bookworm tendencies got me a key

I wish the gallery was finished

Using one rocket jump, then three gun jumps (using gun at the same time as a jump sometimes goes real tall), you can get almost as much height as just using machine gun

Is it wrong to pick up girls in a pocket dimension?

I don't get the silly tetrapod joke. It failed?

I have 20 items in my inventory, I wonder if I missed one?

"The mushrooms can get you very high" is a superb joke

And now, screenshots I took:

invisible block

Invisible non-block
Some other stuff is also in front of protag. I can remember a door, but I didn't take a screenshot.

Weird lights

Huh? It didn't visually register

The attention to detail is insane. The two stars, I mean.


Thank you very much for the game! I really do think this could be a paid game on steam...

Me: I am going to fish :D

Also me: What in the actual fu

It feels unreal for people to be this open, so very quickly, but it's nice.
I'd love if the names had different colors!

Very interested in the guy whose fish form was so impactful you can't remember their look! Wish you luck in the development!

That is so cool!

I refuse the allegations that this made me feel something

(1 edit)


Just like, replay all the routes. Ya can skip

If there is a hole, there is a goal

(3 edits)

Hmm, I am interested in the worldbuilding here.

[SPOILER WARNING I GUESS, I really don't think this is necessary]

So basically, froot box has a monopoly on fruit trees, and they are somehow a secret from all society. Only a few select people in the company know about fruit trees, which would explain why no one notices the fruit tree growing right to the side, they just dismiss it as a normal tree! Quite cool!

The tree grows and eventually gives fruit, either people recognize the fruit but are too scared to try or they don't recognize it (implying froot box sells them in a different, processed look)

Then, with the Revolution of the Cherry, the company realizes it and destroys that tree, but the damage is already done. Two things could happen: People plant in their backyards and share seeds secretly for years to come! (or) People boycott the company and it goes in shambles, destroying the monopoly and allowing more people to sell and share fruits!

One thing I find very cool is the fact Pippa's trees grow in but a mere year! She really did study hard, a genius! She decreased the time in 5-10 times depending on the species of cherry tree!

PS: I think this is the origin of Kitty, the dog :D (Konayachi's icon)

Salut Bimi!

>But if it's more convenient for you, you can speak in English.

Mais je veux parler en français! And: If it's more convenient to you, you can speak in French. (Je peux líre bien, mais écrit...)

>If I understand correctly, did you have trouble understanding the game?

Yeah, moi français est horrible actuellement. But I only found the game because I was looking for french games, so I really did want to play it as immersive material to learn french. (j'ai exagéré un peu, I was able to understand like 50% of it, so I am very proud)

>Have you played with the English version?

I am sorry, but I haven't played with the english version much, so I don't think I could tell you about it's quality, sorry again. I really liked that you could change the language in the quest room though!

Thank you very much for the game! It was very fun, I really liked the mechanic of decision! I wish you luck in the development!

Ohoho, je ne pas parler français 👍👍👍

Ce jeu est très amusant et je t'aime il

Je ne pas comprendré une merdé, mais est magnifique👍

Je vraiment... hope I didn't kill someone accidentally lol

The sections with the foreign languages were the most understandable part 💀

Merci beaucoup pour le jeu!

One day I'll play this again and I will understand all of it, I swear

Ohh, purple. I like purple. I... *agressively* love purple.

Excited for the build!

As someone who recently played a friendship VN and actually felt jealous of the protag, this hurt in more ways than one

It healed them all afterwards tho, protag got a nat 20 with advantage on charisma with that flirting sequence

Will be rooting and tooting like a tree!

No, yeah, the side quest is working fine, but when I went to actually fish with my fishing rod and bait no matter what I clicked it just didn't register in the minigame. I should have become the best fisher, what with all the training from the first game.

(1 edit)

I am so sad

The end of the demo came so out of nowhere, I thought it would be 12 days. Didn't even enter the first dungeon

I really, really loved the writing in this. I was mad cackling, which isn't very normal.



Ciara's shirt should say "You die if you can't fish"

Its like teh saying "IF U Gib man fish, he die tomorrow. Teach a man fish, for a lifetime"

(1 edit)

Ah, I knew I'd really like something from ojosama

I love the story, the combat system, the everything

I didn't find any hidden charms in the first dungeon cuz I didn't even know they existed lol


The passive abilities were working even though I had unequipped them. This worked for encore, lucid dreaming, remember my love and red zone. Did not work with encore. Didn't test the others

I noticed that when the "Finalize" attack and defense boosts go away, they take away more than they give. I was almost killing the boss, then the attack boost went away and I started giving negative damage 💀 💀 💀 My man was at 60/25 health. Later I checked with a minion and it also happened with the defense boost.

Also, couldn't get these charms >:(

You missed the fact you can, at the first house, walk into the big clock

Kudos to you for finishing it in spite of all that! I gib up

It's still a pretty cool game overall

I've gotta say that it was very random that I just so decided to look at nanoreno VNs, and scrolled far enough to see "Routine" and get interested in it. It was very good

Also, when I discovered The Legendary Side Account I was so ";-;" I can't believe I fricking guessed "Bikechocolate" instead, I was so close and yet, at the opposite distance

That burnout video seems right up my alley, thanks for the sauce!

(1 edit)

Very short and cute. Gotta love them both just ditching their buses heh

I really liked the whole thing the UI had going on, from the main menu to the dialogue and thoughts.

This is a really polished debut VN and I am expecting great things! ✌️

Still stand by this btw

Comé que vê esse gato aí da primeira screenshot?

Aliás, eu nomeei a protag de "Dragão" pq Dragonroll Studio, então a parte com os irmão foi bem meta

I legit thought for a bunch of hot seconds that this mad lad translated to ancient greek hehejhaahjahk

Nice! :D Congrats!

Thank you, thank you!

(1 edit)

This is the first vn that actually worked on my phone! Nice!

This wasn't really my cup of tea, but if I analyse it objectively it's a pretty good little VN.

Every time protag said YAY! I was happy :D

I really liked the opening line with the voiced poem


My favorite characters are villager A and B

I played a vn with a delusional mc somewhat recently, so maybe I just got desensitized with that.

(1 edit)


I didn't start playing this game spoiler-free, I knew there was a yandere somewhere. When I got to the main choice, I chose Ichigo because he was so obviously the yandere one, and I feared the unknown. Then, I had to leave. When I came back I chose Yuzuki, for humanity is nothing without curiosity! Then, when the red flash happened, I went "Aww hell nah, I've played enough 'For Amerta' to know exactly what this means." and then came back to choose Ichigo.

Needless to say, that was one hard choice lmao

I then got the true ending first try (Nice) and subsequently all the bad ones.

Once I was done with that, I went to play mah boy Yuzuki's route.

Tried getting all the bad endings first this time, but after the huge change in visual novel focus to romance I forgot that and got the good ending :( I was almost there, dang it (Also, in the first bad ending, I thought he was gonna force our head in the soup)

All in all, this was a very exquisite lil vn. I loved Haruto and Yuzuki's romance and I named protag "Syllphana" which was quite funny lol (I am sorry)

Here are a few typos:

"The police is incompotent"

"Plus it'll make you seem more apporachable"

"This might dissapoint you"

(3 edits)

I read this at the beach :D

I am gonna treat it as a spin-off since, ya know, plot holes and all

Ning Jun is THE husbando, simple as that. Dude plants, cooks, and, quite literally, does parenting. This is like a cherry on top of the cake, you didn't need to go this hard, I already loved him.

Btw, I don't care enough to make this in order, I will just write as I go

The book uses the word "FEMALE" ONE, and I can't stress this enough, ONE TIME. This would be alright if it didn't also use the word "MALE" ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY ONE TIMES.

"Queer fellow" was so out of context I didn't believe it. Then, I discovered queer also means "odd"

Synneah killing somebody and it being a huge deal was not really consistent with my mood. Arun killed his own family 378 times before that, so I was like: "Double standards, amirite?"

I had 108 kindle notations, but I don't wanna go through them. I even saw a few typos but naaaah I am lazy

A few were typos. Did you use voice to text? There once was a "what" in the place of an "one" or something like that.

A bunch were me shivering and UwUing at ning jun's sister.

The rest were just reactions.

Gotta love Walter trying to kill Synneah and Synneah going "friends :P". Does he like choking or some shit??? The heck

Bro made so many puns he just associated the person with the funnies

Alea is like a different skin Mirielle according to the cover ( Oh wait, that is Elm, isn't it?💀💀💀)

The whole "magic used to exist" thing makes sense. In Kairos, (which I only played a bit so no review yet) we see palmyr beach and the castle of the forging kingdom. This implies that the world of gaia and BB is the same, and since the beach didn't change names, they are not very long apart from each other in time.

Though, I am not sure Kairos counts as valuable proof or if I should disregard it completely

Noir is pretty damn cool 👍

"The last of the keepers, Synneah"

Siena: Am I joke to you?

I think I am finished.


Carine is very cool, I like that she is one of the only moral persons in the whole book 👍

Necromancy may be a dark magic, but that doesn't mean it's evil

Onto the list of favorites, to finish it all greatly.

1: My one and only, beloved, Ning Jun

2: Noir, cute cat backstory (When asked to imagine something small and harmless I thought of a bunny, and right after of a PET ROCK. Noir really came out winning by becoming a cat)

3: Synneah, the way he told his stories was so funny (I love parenthesis)

4: Carine, determined and moral + cool spade (I LOVED THE SONGS, I SANG ALL OF THEM) (If I one day finally learn how to make music I will definitely try to make them)

5: Mirielle, need I explain myself? I like shivering

Unreasonably addictive heh

I liked story mode

Such an anticlimactic ending shake smh my head

Very fun concept, I liked protag

Pippy! From Mintglow!

Cute bunnies!🐇

It's all a big Pippy reference xD

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Hello there 4noki, long time no see!

I am very interested in the worldbuilding, a human-made island sounds very magical indeed! I think what most piques my attention is the wind power. What other kind of powers are there, I wonder. The conflict between the government's gods and the cult's gods seems pretty cool also.

So-ra is the cutest! 

I believe you forgot to make protag's sprite appear in this line:

Ohh~~ The Clock Chronicle is on my list, so I will be playing it somewhat soon! I feel like the Boss Fight doesn't need to be corrected in that sense.  At least to me, I very much knew it was an impossible fight, what with any normal attack giving 0 damage. I just realized that the TP attacks actually gave damage and decided "Ayy, I am gonna defeat an impossible boss lmao". I did not actually believe I'd do it, his instant death attacks were very scary.