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A member registered Sep 12, 2015 · View creator page →

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Ok the dog howl caught me off guard .  Well done. 

Quick & fun, Giant monster and throwing stars what's not to like. Nice game.

Nice idea, well executed fun with fantastic look.

cool concept

Clever gameplay interesting idea.

Really like the idea. Quick to figure out the controls. nice work 

Very cozy, and very pretty. I like it.

Really fun. I love how he breaks apart.

Fun.  I like the sound effects, pew, ding. :)

Thanks. And yea the drop down is a straight teleport.  It hardly works, but lack of time and all. had to keep moving.  Ended up as  "if on platform and key down= y+this.height."  And prey you don't get stuck in the Tilemap   :)  

The color change BG was something I wanted to keep  time=color.  There was going to be more theme along those lines, but I had to scrap it to finish.  Yup the jump down is not good it's like one line of code and does not communicate well. 

Thanks.  I can only beat it maybe 25% of the time.  It's what happens when I create a level and have little time to test.  If I could beat the level even once. I moved on due to time.  So some levels are very clunky .

100% agree with WASD and jump. It was on my list but I ran out of time.

Liked it a lot, reminds me of the boat levels in spy hunter.  Controlled well, Nice sense of speed. 

I learned a bit about knitting. It was fun seeing how fast I could complete the rows. 

Like the visuals and effects.  Bit confused, I kept trying to hit the asteroids instead of dodging.  After I figured it out It was pretty fun.  Do the asteroids move towards the player after they hit the earth? or do they roll around on the surface a bit? either way I found myself trying to anticipate where they would roll. 

fast and fun, fits the theme well, made me smile. 

Really liked the humor.  I couldn't solve it but I had fun trying.  

I enjoyed it, nice look and feel the slide sound is oddly satisfying.   Played it a good while. Only got to round four. I'm apparently exceptionally bad at sorting cards. 

Liked it a lot.  Solid mechanic fits well with the theme.  Liked the color palette.

S.T.U.N. Runner in 3hrs  Nice!   Perfect with the theme. Good music. Nice effects. 

Love the idea. Took me a few plays to figure it out. But once I did I had a lot of fun. 

I dig the character and it's wiggle and jump animation.  Two points for every obstacle jumped not sure if that's intentional but I liked it makes me feel better about my low score.

Top down racers is a genre I really like, nice to see one entered.  The car handles well. and the visual feedback on track progress is good.   And I would run into the blocks just for fun.  Nice work.  

Sketchy visuals are so much fun. I am very bad at the actual mini-games but I had fun trying . Well done. 

Like the concept. and the visuals.  Nice angle on the playing field.  Wanted it to speed up faster. First few waves were slow. but once it got moving it was pretty intense trying to keep up. 

Good game. Feeling of speed is well done. 

Nice visuals,  I liked the mechanic and music.  Fits the theme really well. Great job.

(1 edit)

Do the rules apply for parts of game that are not game play screens. Like a title screen or credits screen?   In the case of a browser game could you decorate the page outside of the game?    Kind of like how say old Atari games had simple graphics  but had crazy box art.  Same being true for Arcade bezels.