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A member registered Aug 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Fun game! 

The music is well done, the narrative is interesting, and the use of the color limitations was great.

If I had any complaints it would be that planets felt 'sticky', the initial impressions of controls leaned me towards pure A+B holding, which resulted in play that felt like I was colliding with things coming fast enough I couldn't react to (Likely just because the acceleration playing like that is quite high compared to the screen space) though the tunnel section broke that tendency out of me. Enemies not resetting on respawn made respawning almost a strategic choice, but it usually felt like more of a benefit to respawn and have a cluster of them on top of me to generate more fuel.

Didn't notice any bugs though, so I'd say it felt 'cleanly done'. Good, fun, clean experience.

Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, I forgot the control limitations while working on the menu. Actively thought about it in the actual game, but that's my bad. Audio was one of the last things I was working on, and in the end it was just something that I opted to throw a warning about and submit it so I could get a decent sleep.

Thank you!

Rad, old-school inspired game. Amazing sprites, cool story and theming.

The gameplay was a lil hard for me to grapple with, frequently accidentally healing myself when checking to see if I needed to interact with something, but I also have not played games like this before, so it was new! Also encountered a bug at the bridge door with the key where a screen-filling monster wouldn't leave the screen until another fight started and couldn't be fought.

Sick game, love it.

Crazy that this was made in such a short time. Very cool~

Did feel a bit strange for the theme. But great graphics - gameplay I know is not really for me, but I still see the appeal in games like these! Bug-wise, if you would call it a bug - the resources/moon dust seems to overlap based on creation rather than based on their position resulting in pseudo-random overlap, putting bottom-most resources in front would probably help with their appearance.

Overall though, super impressive!

A very cute game! Scored 1356.

The music and cow-distress noises added a lot to the charm. The ability to pause is a nice touch. Pretty clean for a game jam game from what I saw, not much in the way of bugs, the only ones I found was in trying to tractor-beam moving cows, if they started in the area and shifted out, they'd be partially elevated, mooing, but not able to be collected. And, a noticeable stutter when going up/down to a particular location (directly down from spawn at about the three clouds)