Here's ours, have fun!
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I like the game, but sadly the collaboration part feels as a bit of an afterthought. I'd suggest instead of making another Bounce Pad, why not let the AI control the level to help you out? other than that, the game is fun! The gameplay is unique, the music is good, the art is nice and overall this is a nice small minigame!
Sure thing man, why not? you're free to play ours, I think you'll enjoy it! what about ours? can't have a good list without it! Me and my team of 9 people worked really hard on this game, I hope you enjoy it! Here's our game, we worked very hard on it!
My team of 9 people "Butter Fly Games" worked hard on this game, I'd love it if you checked it out!
My team of 9 people worked hard on this game, I'd love it if you checked it out!
The game has a real nice aesthetic to it, the artstyle is really nice! I do think you could've made instructions so people would understand how to play your game, it took me a minute to figure out what was happening. only real problem is that the game is too short, and it feels like you had no time to make more levels. 7/10 great but short
Great game, nick! It's very challenging and doesn't really get old fast, but I would like to make some suggestions:
Personally, the arrow keys confuse me, I always get the directions mixed up. I don't know how you could fix this on the PC version, but if you do eventually make a mobile version, I suggest instead of arrow keys, make it work with a joystick. the position of the joystick would be the rotation of the paddle, that way it'd be much easier to play.
I think the game lacks a tiny bit of flare that you can easily add. for example, when you hit a certain score (10, 25, 50, etc..) A certain sound and particles come out, that way the player would feel rewarded for getting to such a high score.
that's all the suggestion I have for you right now, but please don't feel obligated to make them if you don't want to. Have a great day!