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A member registered 32 days ago

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Super cute, loved the story and writing! Made me chuckle a few times. The mechanics were sweet and simple, though I do wish the tape was a little longer. Nice job!

Hey thanks for the offer! I helped work on Advertising Adeline.

Yes yes yes. This is great! Way better if you download it than play in browser (using Brave on windows). Color scheme is perfect, super cute game. Now to go binge it..

Super cute and fun! The style is fitting and the controls were easy to figure out. Really addictive, nice work!

I want more BEES! Cute concept but a little confusing at first. Art was really cute and the music was relaxing. Nice job!

Really silly, I love it! Movement speed was very slow and I was terrible but was fun. Nice job!

Music was very fitting, neat art style. Could use some polish, the text boxes ran off the screen. Nice work!

This gameplay was a bit confusing. The cat just kept throwing trash at me. I'm not sure how to win? Neat idea though!

Oddly satisfying and calming. I like the points system. Visually appealing. Great job!

Decorations were very hard to place without moving others. Cute design, I can see kids really enjoying this. Nice work!

Super cute! This is amazing. The opening sequence was adorable and really made this shine. The concept of a lizard getting swol is hilarious and is what made me click on this. Great work!

Really neat concept! The controls were a bit confusing, I think there was an issue grabbing rubble if I had wind started. A way to have that deselect automatically would have helped. I lost several times when I think I shouldn't have so not sure if there was a bug when blowing large groups off the mountain. Felt pretty unique compared to other games I had played before. Nice work!

I like this one! Visual style was well balanced. The minigame concept is very fun and would love to see more variation. Having some sort of stakes/consequences to failing or a time constraint would have added to the difficulty and made this more interesting. Overall great job!

Neat concept. I feel like the format could have some great uses in other education games to get people thinking. Nice work!

I didn't really get what the goal was of this game. The style was really unique and I think would have been more fun if I had more directions on what to do and why. Mixer was a bit wonky, having dedicated slots to place things in would have helped. My pieces ended up on the border of it a lot.

I hate platformers. Neat concept! Was pretty easy to figure out the game elements but I kept dying so rage quit lol. I liked the music. Nice work!

I don't like platformers. The art was super cute, I was wowed when it first launched up. Great job! I never got off the ground level because I'm bad lol

Simple concept, has potential to expand more. Was confusing when I would be able to buy more turrets so having an indicator of some sort or visual feedback would have been helpful. Nice job!

I hate platformers but this was a really cool idea! Art was great, everything fit together nicely. Nice work!

Neat concept. After upgrading a few times I had no use for the controls anymore, just launched up over and over gathering coins until I won. Music was chill. Why are we launching rockets in the middle of a city? X'D Great job!

Super cute! I usually don't like platformers but it wasn't too difficult once you get the hang of jumping. Winning was super satisfying. Music fit the intensity of the game perfectly.

Neat idea! I had a hard time with the controls, only moving on dash was disorienting. When I threw the weapons I would have expected them to travel less and drop near my feet, I think several times they disappeared from the world. Aiming from the hills was also difficult and I frequently missed. But if all of those things were tweaked and fixed I think this would be really addicting! The enemy speed felt good in relation to my own movement and I like how the the weapon system works. Music was a good choice, makes you feel calm in a situation that might be stressful. Good job!