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Oscar Castaneda

A member registered Jun 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you for taking the time to check out BUMPED!, future levels will have different room shapes with halls and curves, everytime getting bigger and more complex to try keeping it interesting and harder, we have thought of making a marker for the player on where is the goal, and maybe, changing its position a few times per level.

Thank you so much for the feedback~

I need more stars to rate this!, this is the exact type of game i was expecting to see in this jam!.

Amazing arcade, great old school futuristic music and it just looks great all around~.

It's a cool idea, this could be the base for one on those store manager type of games, spending money for upgrades in the store and that sort of stuff, plus the mini-game with the background music it's so relaxing~.

This is an amazing game!, I just loved how the bullets light the path letting you scout ahead with some pre-shooting into the room, it felt like those moments in the movies when the protagonist hears something and just sprays down the hall and the muzzle flashes of the gun reveal the enemy!.

Amazing job~

The glitching effect it's my favorite, and the neon signs pixel art it's really good it just works well with the background adding so much to the atmosphere of the game, great job!.

Some of the things you achieved here are really impressive, the first person perspective works so well when you add those high jumps and this has so much potential as a puzzle game, I love it!

We'll definetely keep working on it to finish the game, we made a post stating the changes we have made after reading all the feedback, the camera was creating a bit of motion sickness, sp we mad it smoother when rotating, the loose of speed after bumping was really hard on the player so we turn it down to half so it wasnt that punishing specially when enemies where really close after a bump.

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, it really helps us with development!

We love to hear you liked the way the theme was used for our project! thank you so much for letting us know~

Thank you so much for all the feedback, we made a post in community where we keep you all posted on all the changes/implementations/fixes we are working on after reading your comments, just wanted to let you know we already implemented the random powers spawn system for every level and we changed the reaction time for the enemies.

The runs feel a lot smoother than before!, thank you so much for your comment~

Muchas gracias por darte el tiempo de probar y calificar BUMPED!, seguimos trabajando para mejorar y tener la opinión de la gente es una necesidad para este proceso!.

We are really happy people decided to lend us some of their time to give us feedback about our game, we really want to fully release BUMPED! once its done and having all this precious feedback will help us to deliver a better version of it.

Just wanted to let you know we are taking seriously every piece of info we get from your comments and we have already fixed/modified many of the topics touched by you guys:



  • Player capacity to counter camera rotation.
  • Spawns of powers on every stage to make their use more common.


  • Softer and more natural speed reduction when bouncing off an obstacle.
  • Slightly delayed tracking on the enemies so the lasers can be dodge at closer range.
  • Softer camera rotation to avoid motion sickness.


  • A bug where bouncing from the bottom of an obstacle made you go off in weird angles or even backwards.

Working on:

  • Turorial levels to better explain our mechanics.
  • UI.
  • Score system and currency reward.
  • In-game currency shop for ball skins.
  • Different shaped obstacles.

We want to thank every single one of you that took the time to try our game and comment what you think about it.

Also, we want to invite anyone who hasn't been able to play our game to check it out!, any piece of advice/criticism its welcomed!

Thank you so much for taking the time try our game and give us some feedback!

We really wanted to add a "Tutorial Level" so we could guide the player in a clear way, but time slipped away from our hands, the most we could was to add some kind of graphic to show a little bit of it. We are already working on these Tutorial Levels as we speak.

About the loose of speed when colliding, we wanted the structures to feel more like an obstacle than a cover or a surface to bounce off,  but full stopping the speed is not the way of doing it (now we know), we'll try stuff like just reducing the speed to half after a bounce, to make it seem more natural and we are already fixing the angle in which the ball comes out after a bounce.

We really appreciate all the feedback we are getting,  thanks for lending us some of your time~

Muchas gracias, esperamos lo hayas disfrutado~

Glad you liked our game! We'll keep making it better~

Thanks for trying out our game!

We'll keep working hard developing BUMPED!, there is a lot to be done and many tweaks to be made, we hope you liked it~

We taking notes on ever piece of feedback we get, balancing the game difficulty level its going to be our main priority from now on, and we are definitely adding a tutorial at the start of the game.

The winning screen its and inside joke~

Thank you so much for the feedback! we really wanted to make a "tutorial level" for the game, so that we could guide the player on how to play, we couldn't make it in time for the jam, but it will definitely be in the final product.

We glad you liked the 3D effect and you are right with the infinite speed boost, it's really broken but its so fun too haha.

Thank you for taking the time~

(1 edit)

You could try lowering the resolution of the application surface where the lights are drawn on to. I had a similar problem with another project im working on.

The visuals of this game  are just the best I've seen so far, it's so aesthetically pleasing and the 3D paper look of the sprites just works so well with it, amazing job all around~

I just wanted to ask if the adding up effect on the camera shake function is intended or not? when you spam jump the magnitude of the camera shake seems to keep adding up with the next, so the camera progressively shakes harder and harder.

Anyways, it's a great game~

Thanks Mania! We really enjoyed playing your game!

Sorry for the navigating issues, the rotational screen is totally intentional but we really need to smooth it out for it to not be causing motion sickness.

We had a system implemented so that you could counter the rotation of the screen and keep it steady, but we decided to remove it before posting to avoid making the game too easy (guess we did wrong there), we'll be definitely re-implementing that feature and maybe consider having a ocacional indicator on where the general direction of the goal is, so that the player can head directly to it after a certain time has passed.

Good luck on the jam! and thanks for the kind words~

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out our game~

We went ham on the use of the theme for our aesthetics.

I hope you liked it.

We are really happy with the aesthetics of the game, as you said, we went for a old school vibe on the looks.

Part of the difficulty comes from the rotational screen, which totally needs some tweaking to make it smoother.

Thanks for your comment, game balancing will be our priority from here on now.

Thank you for the kind words, we really tried to come up with an original and fun game  that could match the theme well.

We really appreciate your time and feedback~

Im really sorry to hear that, we just wanted to disorient the player but kinda fell into the verge of motion sickness.

We'll be totally smoothing down the rotational screen and re-implement a system to let the player counter it.

Thanks so much for your time and feedback!

(1 edit)

The goal of the rotational screen was to disorient the player, but i did overdo it making it so linear, I'm thinking on smoothing the rotation making it more of a curve on its functions instead of just adding to the angle.

There is a Skill inside the game, granted to the played by picking up the Magenta sphere, it will let you stop the Camera from rotating for a period of time by using it pressing down Space Bar.

I created a system to let the player counter rotate the screen, so that you could try your best against the system to keep it stable, I didn't want to make it too easy so i decided to removed it. (Maybe this was a mistake)

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks you so much for the feedback!.

Sprite Stacking is a really fun and cool concept to work with and the Neon fits really well with Geometry

Sorry about the dizziness I didn't have enough time to tweak the rotation system as much as I wanted to, it needs to be a lot smoother.

Thanks!, we really wanted to present BUMPED! as a challenge!. 

The rotational aspect of the game was ment to disorient the player, but maybe i did a little too much there haha.

Before I knew i had a grudge against that bald dude lol, great game.

I would like a little less HP on the enemies, just to make the match faster, but over all its really polished and addictive.

Really good job~

This game is going to my collection! Amazing job!

I had my frames dropping a little when a bunch of the big Purple Shield enemies got into my screen, but im pretty sure it has something to do with my hardware, over all its just an amazing game, really fun to play.

Personally being this my first Jam ever I felt relived when they said we could start working on the game asap (as it usually comes down to fewer time frames), but I totally get what you are saying, I ended up working 9 days straight from scratch and the last day I almost gave up trying to make some music for it, then when you finally post your game and take a look at the others, there are some games (like the one Pixel Team mentioned) that look like a two months old project.

I mean I know  re-using assets and some code it's allowed, but re-skining a game or just finishing an old ongoing project for a jam, just doesn't feels right.

But as we all know, its th Rules fault.

I hope this experience makes future jams even better, I certainly enjoyed working on a rush for this one~

(1 edit)

Overall a good game, it's really appealing to the eye, the music has a good rhythm and the acceleration has a nice increasing curve, the only thing i noticed in the controls it's that you can change directions while pressing down Left or Right, meaning you can go Up or Down without letting go Left or Right, but it doesn't work the other way around, meaning you CANT change from UP and Down to Left or Right and that's a little confusing.

Great Job~

The concept it's really fun, and once you get the hang of it the game becomes really fast paced, which is a good thing making it a challenge, the only thing i would say could be change, it's the background noise, a tick down of a clock could be a little nicer.

Let's remember that they encouraged new programmers to take part in the competition, they even provided a link for their tutorials in the convo. Its good enough for a first time project.

Keep doing what you do~ you totally get the basics and with a little more time and effort you will soon get to a higher level of quality~

Good job.

This image sums it all up~ Just an amazing game!

This is actually really fun! plus the music makes you feel like a real bad@ss while driving the tank.

The powers are really intuitive and the camera effect following the mouse while aiming makes it feel really polished.

Sometimes the enemy tanks go under the obstacles, don't know if that's intended.

Great game~

Una mayor inmersión llevaría a BUMPED! al siguiente nivel, muchas gracias por el feedback~

Really cool visuals, the atmosphere its amazing and the music too, the only thing that could get a little repetitive its the waiting for the platforms to move, since every time you over shoot you need to wait it all again back and forth.

Really fun over all, and a really inspiring concept~

You had a good idea for the visuals, im sure the lack of gameplay comes from lack of time, keep working on it since it could be really fun.

Btw, if you go all the way to the left (outside the screen) your character isnt able to come back.

The Box design it's really cool, the door makes the goal clear so that you know where to go every time, with some tweaking on the physics and controls, plus some flashier colors this would be a really fun game.