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Ouch Mouse Studio

A member registered Feb 04, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the nice comment!

I can agree with your points about the lives and the overworld, but if the game was expanded they'd make more sense, which I originally planned for. I may consider collaborating with someone for level design in the future if I continue it.

Thanks for the comment! You don't think the edges are too forgiving? Sometimes the feet seem like they hang over them a little.

The first two lines of your creator page.

Pretty cute concept!v I like it!

Thanks for the comment

There is something that tracks the score, but it wasn't shown in any UI. Hopefully I can find a good use for the score/coins.

Thanks for the feedback. I agree the levels are quite basic. I could implement checkpoints and have the torches light up, but it would only be necessary with longer levels. 

I started working on another project a while back so spend less time on more level design for this platformer.

Thanks for the feedback.

I fixed the camera issue and the movement has a little inertia as it did in an earlier stage of development. I think I could tweak the movement a little more though, it can be a tough thing to perfect.

I think I noticed an issue where the camera was off on the last level, I'll try to fix it. Thanks for pointing it out.

The artwork and audio make this so fun! I think it's great you made this game with your daughter!

Really nice puzzle game, but pretty confusing! I enjoyed trying to figure it out, but there could have been more assistance. The post processing is nice, but a little bit too strong I feel, especially the chromatic aberration and barrel distortion. Overall, a fun and challenging game to play though.

Really awesome game. I love the repairing the suit mechanic and all of the small details are great. The music is good and nice sound effects (although a little bit loud).

I like how the music changes when you "die".  I think the physics and controls could be improved to help the experience, the ground is a little too slippery.  Also I accidentally shot the 'Amulet of Anubis' a few times destroying it.

Nice music and sound and interesting puzzle mechanics. It was a little odd to control on the mouse, keyboard controls would have been nice, but I imagine it'll be made for mobile in the future?

Nice looking game and fun to play. I like the subtle 2D lighting and particle effects.

The controls were a little tough, but a challenge can be good somtimes.

Cute jellyfish and nice music! I look forward to seeing your future games.

Interesting idea. It's nice to have some difficulty modes. 

I think there's a few bugs though.

This is fun! It's simple, but that's a good thing. I think this could work well as a mobile game. Nice music too.

Just a suggestion! (if you wanted to expand it.) You could add objects that reduce the time or take away from the score to add to difficulty.

I think the bloom is cool and matches the style, but maybe the barrel distortion could be reduced a little bit, but enough to maintain the old school CRT look.

The particles are great but could be tweaked a little. I think some appear above the player and some under it. The menu sound effects could be a little softer with some variation.

Pretty cute!

Nice challenge and despite using simple shapes it looks good. It'd be nice if there was some music or a bit more variance to the sound effects. Cool game!

It's a fun to play game. There's a lot of post-processing going on, but it looks cool. The firework VFX etc. look nice and make it feel satisfying to finish a level.

Nice game! I like how the background appears at the start, nice small details. It's fun to play.

Nice game. The difficulty ramp is good. I think it'd be nice if there was some feedback (visual, audio, or both)  when you get hit, sometimes it's a little hard to know.

(1 edit)

Tough at first, but once you get the hang of it, it's a great game! Only criticism I could say would be about the music starting each time. My runs  were pretty short, so I heard the start of the track a lot.

Nice looking game and original idea. It would be so much better with music and sound effects. I'd love to check back in the future when there is some sound.

The Erik Satie music matches the mood well. A nice way of telling your story.

Nice game. It was a fun challenge. I'd love to play it again if there were more improvements and polish.

Nice artwork and a fun challenge to play.

Really enjoyed playing!

Really awesome game! I love the art, level design and music. I also appreciate the various platform options!

Interesting idea. I think fonts could load faster than pictures though to make the experience a little smoother. 

Also you should really remove the comment on your page about people who don't follow you.

Nice looking game! I like the fire. At first I couldn't figure out the double jump, but it seems to work best when I press twice quickly and hold the second press. It'd be nice if the pickups had some sound and visual feedback. Overall nice for your first game! Hope you continue developing!

Cute birds! It looks great, and some nice sounds and music!

Nice game!

If you do ever add more to it I'd love to try it out again.

Thank you. Hopefully I'll improve it and add more levels at some point.