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A member registered Mar 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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Currently when you click on a tile the stats displays show the impact of that tile. So if you click on something like the town you can see it is producing 1 currency per turn, while consuming 10 power per turn.

I may or may not implement your solution. Because problems begin to arise when you select a pre existing tile. Your method would not be clear if the number on the left (12 in your example with the trees) is the actual sum of all the tiles affecting that stat, or all the tiles but the one selected. You'd also still have the problem of the stats for one tile instead of global stats being there for the majority of the game. I think it would be a better solution than the current implementation but definitely still needs some work. 

I think I'll do a quick fix. I can add some text that says what the stats display is showing (E.g. global, coal plant, plains), and deselect tiles on a new turn. Not perfect but definitely an improvement.

I'll try my best to improve that aspect of the UI. Thanks for your feedback, I'll try to give the game an update in a week or two.

Looks really nice, but I have no idea what I'm doing,

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Pretty :)

Good theme :)

 Dice reload :(

Yeah my main feedback seems to be that the game was confusing. I think an animation in the games (fake) loading screen could show a snippet of someone playing the game. That way I could keep the game simple (no stupid tutorial), while also turning a useless joke feature (loading screen) into something useful.

Colour palette is simplistic and beautiful, it also makes it really easy to distinguish enemies. I found I became too overpowered too soon though. Maybe there could be more dice action with cards, like rolling a dice determines the stats a card will give. Or the enemy spawn rate could just ramp faster.

The game is fun especially the first minute or two, but after that there needs to be more difficulty.

Hey I won. I got most enjoyment when the effect changed and something super random happened. The game was almost impossible to play (invisible character, fast falling, fast movement), but it was pretty humorous seeing my character move at mach 2.

Different effects or even just modified values for some of the effects would have made the game more fun for me.

Very pretty game, tactile sfx, and chill music to match the aesthetic of the game. Just a shame that you need winrar to play it. The movement was really fun. Building up momentum and zooming around the map. I didn't really understand the difference between left and right click, or what the display in the bottom right showed. But I'm sure I would have figured it out if I played a bit longer.

Nice game. Especially like the clean look.

I like the first 4 levels. But the 5th one is infuriating. I would always hit the dice way to hard. Hitting the smiles is also difficult. The idea is there though. Basically my criticisms boil down to controls, the game would be very fun if the controls were tighter.

Also the music stacks up when you go into the credits menu. It was pretty funny though.

Ohhhh. Haha, I assumed the cards only took affect on the first turn. There goes my best criticism

Stylized art is obviously great. Music pretty good too. I wish I could hold down on the keyboard to fall faster to re-roll, cause I keep on getting damn sixes. Also sometimes I get stuck in small gaps and things.

The art is super clean, and the sounds are satisfying. The levels are quite nice, especially when you can get a line up by using the fields to curve you paths, then you get a hole in one. So satisfying. Theme matches nicely as well.

I think it could have been cool if there was a mode when the dice did something depending on what number it landed on. Could make the game a little more chaotic for playing with friends.


This is fun. I like the survival aspect, and sort of strategizing with the number of moves I have left in-order to get the optimal position. But I wish there was some sort of indication of an attacks range.

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The weapon generation is really cool. But it's unfortunate that there is not really a point to use them. I ended up just speed running to get to the end and ignored the cubes and the enemies. At least the movement was floaty and fast.

Got a score of 14470. I think the art is nice, and I think the game is very fun. Still, I wish there was maybe some automatic defenses, since the game gets overwhelming very quickly.

Yeah, I thought it'd be nice like that. Sometimes with fast paced music can be a little jarring.

I planned to add some sort of sound cue when a building gets too low. But I guess the idea escaped me when it was time to implement all the things I left to last minute :(

The music synced with the movement is cool. Knowing which direction was the front of my dice was a little hard. But I love the concept of the game. It's like one of those games where you have to roll a block around to fit it into a hole. Except an awesome boss fight. Sort of a bad explanation, but I just think it's cool.

I love me a rogue like. The light bullet hell aspects were fun, and I enjoyed building my dude with upgrades. The music was jammin'. and the art was very nice, but a shame that the upgrades screen was unfinished.

Also I think there is too much spread on the projectiles, either that or I suck.

Awesome pixel art, I especially like the player sprite, as well as the background. The music fit well, but I wish there were some sound affects. Right now the attacks don't feel very impactful.

Also it took me way to long to figure out that the player was on the left. Maybe an arrow above the  players head would help out? I think I'm just stupid though. But after I went "Ohhhhhhhhhh, I'm the left dude" I was having a lot of fun.