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A member registered Feb 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much for playing! <3

Yeah we wish we found out about the jam earlier to have the time. It’s alright though. :)

Thanks so much for playing! :)

Ooh good point on the tutorial letters lol, good for us to know.


(3 edits)

I'm a big music person so this was my flavour!

Nice audio & visual feedback that were lovely -- would love to see you expand this concept more and taking advantage of the "game" medium / progressing interactivity / varying gameplay further to match the song as it crescendos & layers with deeper texture. I think this will also help better clarify the Stronger Together theme through the player's actions / engagement (love that you are all a remote team! True friendship <3).

Thanks for sharing!

Thanks so much for playing our little game, and I'm so glad you enjoyed the experience! I'm especially glad to hear that you liked our handmade art & composed music. :)

We're blushing to hear it reminds you of Baba is You. 😊

We loved your game as well, and hope you continue to grow & develop it outside of this jam too! <3

Thanks so much for playing our game! I'm glad you enjoyed it all. :)

Thanks for your helpful suggestion on the controls! We did have a solution for it but ran out of time in the 5.5 days to fully implement it due to focusing on fleshing out the new mechanics for everyone to explore -- it's our first priority as we continue developing the game.


(2 edits)

Thanks so much for playing our game! I'm glad you enjoyed it all. :)

I'm glad you figured out the mechanics nonetheless and made it to the end! It's a totally new mechanic, so it's good for us to know that maybe something easier would be helpful to ease the player in as you suggested.

We enjoyed playing your brilliant game as well, and hope you continue expanding it outside of this jam as well! <3

(1 edit)

Thanks so much for playing our little game! :)

We're so glad you enjoyed the experience, and we'll for sure be making more levels as we expand the game! :)

We enjoyed your lovely game as well, and hope you continue growing and developing it! <3

Thanks again for sharing, and hope you continue growing & developing your great game! <3

Aww this is such a kind comment! We smiled from reading this one. :)

A love letter indeed! And I'm so happy to hear that this game was a great experience for you and touched you, that's probably the best thing any creator can hear! In the end, we wanted to do that through combining our story & gameplay, and I'm glad you were positively moved by it. :)

And I hope you continue growing and developing your game as well! It's always nice to know there's awesome people out there like you within our community. <3

(3 edits)

Thanks so much for playing!! :)

I'm glad you enjoyed the music, I appreciated the music in your game too!

I'm honoured to hear it reminds you of Baba is You!

Sorry to hear about Level 4 -- that's strange. There's always the restart button (P), since we may have missed a small bug due to having to code & design the mechanic from scratch. Though we also understand starting over the level is quite a lot to do again lol, so we appreciate you going that far still into the game :)

We'll be working on smoothening the control scheme even more -- we had a solution during development but ran out of time unfortunately to fully implement it :( since we wanted to flesh out the new core mechanics for people to experiment with.

I "love" (or should I say, "heart") your pun as well. <3

Thanks for playing, and I hope you continue growing & developing your game too!!

Thanks so much for playing!! :)

We enjoyed your lovely game as well. <3

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing!! And yeah, that is indeed the correct pronunciation for the umlaut u / ü. :)

I know a little German, but we can pretend it's still pronounced "you". 😉 

Thank you so much for playing!! :)

I'm glad you found the experience to be lovely, and that you enjoyed the music (I focused on a more closer, personal feel / emotions of the music instead of an orchestral-like production complexity when composing these, yup!), and also glad that the game design allowed your gameplay to go smoothly!

Yup, we're focusing on smoothening out movement controls for our next updates as we focused on fleshing out the new core mechanics and ran out of time to implement our solution for movement. We'll add the button for scene transitions as well, as I agree it would improve the experience even more -- we just ran out of time since showcasing the level design & new mechanics were our primary focus for the jam.

Thanks again!! <3

(4 edits)

Thanks so much for playing! :)

I'm sorry to hear about the controls -- we set it up to allow for turning (for interactions) and careful movement for the player on the gri system; we had a better solution to smoothen the movement even more, though ran out of time unfortunately to fully implement it as we focused on ensuring the core mechanic was fully fleshed out for everyone to explore; it is our first priority for our future updates!

Thanks again. <3

7 days is short to make a whole game! We sure weren't able to get everything we wanted either haha, no worries. :)

Keep us updated about your game's development! <3

(2 edits)

What a lovely story! Something about it is very nostalgic. :)

Would love to see you grow and expand this game as you continue developing! The story is immersive, and I see opportunity to dive deeper into the medium of "games" by further exploring some interactive gameplay and feedback to let the player know they're headed in the right direction -- I hope that'll help to let your touching story's messages / meanings sink in even better!

Thanks for sharing!!

(5 edits)

Thanks so much for playing!

I agree the movement can be improved -- we ran out of time focusing on perfecting the core mechanic unfortunately. :(

We're working on that as our first priority and expanding levels to allow for a smoother progression, as we did quickly set up the last level to experiment with & test the limits of our new game mechanics (maybe by a bit too much!) We're glad you were able to get up to the second-to-last level and figure out the core mechanics nonetheless, as the last level is better for those those intrigued by the mechanics and want to finish the cute story. :)

Thanks again. <3

Thanks so much for playing Mayra!

And I checked out your portfolio, you have lovely music! So glad to see another music person, we definitely need more music people in this community haha.

Thanks again, and I hope you continue to grow & develop your great game as well. <3

(1 edit)

Yup I agree! Arrow keys / key binding changes is something we're adding as our priority. Unfortunately we did run out of time here to add it for the jam version (we actually had <6 days, since we started the jam late haha)

Thank you for letting us know about the AZERTY keyboard, we were not aware of that and definitely want to be inclusive of all players! <3

And thanks again for playing our little game! :)

Thanks so much for playing our game! :)

We enjoyed playing your game as well. <3

(1 edit)

Lovely art and story! Both a narrative & interactive explorative journey. :)

Would love to see some more varying gameplay to bolster the themes you have going! The overarching contextual narrative is engaging, and having the rewarding gameplay reflect that would be an even more lovely feeling to immerse the player in experiencing & "co-writing" your authored story.

Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed the journey. <3

(1 edit)

Cool game, I liked the story telling as the game progressed -- would love to see the gameplay mechanics + challenge progress as the story gets deeper to add to the emotions!

I also encountered the same bug others are speaking off, though I think it can be forgiven. It might relate to the controls -- maybe smoothening that out will help (E.g., the fish turning)?

Thanks for sharing!!

Fun adventure with some cute characters!

I don't know if its the brightness of my screen (I put it to max brightness) though it was still hard to see the edges if I would fall of a cliff or not. I think it makes sense for the theme of the game of "lighting your path," though wondering if the graphics could be tweaked (maybe the platforms)? I ended up falling & dying from the same places quite a lot (I could be playing it poorly too haha).

Nonetheless, a fun adventure. <3

I enjoyed the gradual complexity in the puzzle through the colours! This was a fun puzzle.

It took me a while to get the hang of it as the cause-effect of things and the "rules" of the game's puzzle were not super clear -- clarifying the mechanics I think would be helpful. After I figured it out the game started to piece together a bit better.

Thanks for sharing!! <3

(2 edits)

Awesome game! I'm a playwright and musician, so you really combined two things I love haha.

Would love to see more varying / progression of gameplay to help the game's pacing match the growing music as it crescendos and layering / textures increases, as there's room to explore for the gameplay as you expand the game in your future versions!

Thanks for sharing!! Always love to see music-based games. <3

The game was still lovely nonetheless! <3

This is a super polished game. I am very impressed! The background music, sound effects, the physical setting, and the artwork all fit together nicely to create a very immersive puzzle.

If I had any constructive criticism, I had hard time figuring out how to push the box right before the first flag. I eventually figured it out by trial and error but gave me a hard time for some reason. There was also an area where you could push the wooden log to press the green button that I got my lower rolling body stuck there while upper body and head could move on to the flag. 

I think it would be great addition if the game had a reset button to the previous flag (or do you guys have it but I just missed it?).

However, thanks for the great experience. This game has one of the best immersion in this game jam where everything fit together nicely!

First of all, I'd like to say that music stands out (in a good way of course). I do wish it was a bit louder because I had to turn up my volume good amount to hear it. Character artwork is probably the best I've seen in the game jam, although I wish there were art works for virus because sometimes it's hard to notice them when they're tiny and has similar color to the background and the walls.

The only thing is that I couldn't figure out how to disable that large virus on the wall. Couldn't quite tell if it was a virus or not so maybe making a distinct artwork for virus would be helpful!

I think this game has good potential and can't wait to see the improvements on this game! 

Thanks so much for playing our game! I'm glad it was a relaxing experience and that you enjoyed it. :)

The music was fun to compose too! I'm glad you enjoyed that. <3

This is a mix of chess and RPG progression with allies. As a fan of strategy games and RPGs, I think this game is superb and deserve good ratings! It's quite addicting and even though I kept dying, I wanted to keep playing.

Thanks so much for playing! And haha, I formed a couple of Red and Purple "Butts" too when I first played it. :)

I agree with you on the keyboard controls! We had a solution during development but ran out of time in the 7 days unfortunately. :( It's what we're priotising for future releases!

And I'm honoured that it reminded you of Baba is You! We love that game. <3

Thanks so much for playing! We're glad you enjoyed it. :)

Aww, thanks so much for playing ❤️

Thanks so much for playing our game! And LOL I'm so glad you got the Ham moment.

I agree with you on the keyboard controls! We're going to work on that now that we have time and we're not constrained by the jam's 7 days >.<

Super neat and fitting art for the game and this magnet theme is really nice! I enjoyed playing this uniquely themed game. And as the person below me has mentioned, the music is energetic and covers for parts of the game where I'm stopping to think. For your future versions, it would be good to see some colors in the art (but the art is still very good). Looking forward to your future improvements!

I loved playing as the different monkeys! The uniqueness from each monkey played a tremendous role in hooking me right into the game and making me want to keep playing for their escape. Very solid work and I'd love to see more diverse monkeys if you choose to keep developing!

Thanks so much for playing! :)

And I'm glad you got the Ham moment LOL, definitely a favourite of ours too.

This is a smart game, and I enjoyed playing it.

Like another commenter said, the rewind genre does already exist, though I thought your game gave some twist to it as the game's levels progressed. Would love to see more expansion on this as you grow the game in your future development, as the concept's interesting!

Thanks for sharing!!