Very charming art style and fun gameplay! I love how you can still shoot the spinning guns even after your bubble gets popped, it adds to the experience when you are madly shooting all around yourself. The “ammo dispensers” mid-flight are also a good aspect of the game. You can hover at them to refill your ammo quite a bit, but you expose yourself to more danger and have to manage the bullet boosts in order to stay ammo positive. Very enjoyable!
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Web build available at:
Due to some technical issues we didn’t quite manage to get it working in time. Once uploads are unlocked again it will be available here too.
Thanks! The tooltips require your mouse cursor to stay still for 0.3 seconds (when they appeared instantly it was a bit too distracting and annoying). You can pause the game using Escape and hover over items and read tooltips while it's paused. Word sentiments were taken from and specifically you can see the final word list of the form "WORD POSITIVE NEGATIVE" here, though in practice only the difference of positive and negative is taken into account. I hope this helps a bit!
Thanks! Balance is one of the things we didn't have much time for. I think if we multiplied all enemy attack intervals by like 3 it could be better.
> It must have been hard to implement this! Even just placing stuff into the "inventory" was awesome!
The inventory placement stuff took up all of Friday's coding time and a bit of Saturday haha. I'm glad it's satisfying. I think it could be even better if we had some subtle sound when you place an item there.
So far I'm having fun with this one. The art style and the sound are both great and the gameplay is frustrating in a good way. I feel like there could be some QoL features like highlighting traits which would currently have an effect or displaying how many people of which colour you have as a number. But then again maybe that would defeat the point of the devilish details you need to pay attention to.