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Well, there are occasional messages in Polish:

- the ear stands for uttering the current word/phrase. It prefixes the phrase with "Aktualne hasło to" (which means "the current phrase is")

- the mouth stands for setting the new word/phrase. It asks the question "Podaj nowe hasło" ("provide a new phrase")

- when you win, it says "gratulacje, udało ci się ułożyć wyrażenie..." ("congratulations, you managed to solve the phrase...")

I think that the Android speech services would localize the most important parts of the game.

(I'd be even curious to see how it behaves on non-Polish devices)
And beside all this, the game is pretty universal (although probably terribly boring, if you already know how to spell)

I develop mine for the editor/development environment of my own making, called GRASP.

GRASP can be run in windowing environments (via JVM's AWT), terminal (via Lanterna) and Android.
The above screenshot is from the AWT version. The one on Android should work as well, but the terminal is malfunctioning for some reason.

Anyway, the final version of the game will probably be available for Android only, because it's the only system that offers text to speech and speech to text services without a fuss. (I know that google is evil, but I'm making this game mainly for my 5yo to teach her alphabet),

FWIF about a decade ago, I developed an SDL-based engine on top of Guile, called SLAYER.

I haven't been maintaining it for a while (I know that I ran into some compatibility issues with newer versions of Guile), but I just checked under WSL2 (after installing a few additional packages) and it mostly works, including OpenGL rendering. (OpenGL isn't mandatory if you only want 2D graphics)

The packages I had to install (via apt) in order to build it: guile-2.0 guile-2.0-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-0 libsdl-ttf2.0-dev

If you want to give it a try, it's available here (it has some documentation):

It also used to have a website on a Ukrainian GNU server, but it is now defuct.

I developed it on Linux, but at one point, I managed to build Windows binaries under Cygwin or MSYS, and they are available as "winslayer" here:

After building the binaries, you can enter the "demos" directory, and try out some of the demos (such as ./schess.scm, ./pong.scm etc.)

BTW I haven't participated in any game jam before, but I'm using it as an opportunity to improve the programming environment that I work on in my spare time, called GRASP (it is built on top of Kawa, and runs on Android and JVM). In my experience, the Scheme implementation that is the best for video games is Racket (but I'd spare myself r5rs compat, and just go with #lang racket). At one point, I had some broken packages on Ubuntu, and wasn't able to build SLAYER, and I quickly wrote a thin compatibility layer between SLAYER and Racket, and called it "sracket"