Hello All,
After some fun in the past with both Common Lisp and InterLisp (that was a fun hack) I'm trying to take a whack at Scheme this year.
I was hoping to make a native application with real time action. I'm not a fan of the browser adding additional layers and slowing things down. I tend to prefer making arcade games so I really value not having a lot of mystery meat between player and inputs.
I've tried Chicken with Allegro (example doesn't seem to exit cleanly on Linux Mint, last updated 11 years ago - repo frozen).
I've tried Chicken with Hypergiant (got lost in dependency compilation)
I've tried Guile with Chickadee (compilation issues with the two required libraries)
Racket using r5rs mode doesn't seem to have much for real time games.
I know that libraries don't just appear because somebody wishes them to exist.
They take hard work and people constantly have to keep re-wrapping when the C libs change.
I'm hoping I'm not in dire straights for a native Scheme game.