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A member registered Nov 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey, I liked your game, the music fitted well and the gameplay was smooth. The idea that you have to go back to a spot where you got the enemy to reload your ammo was clever. However I felt like the dice theme was only really present in the theming and not that much in the gameplay. I noticed one bug, where for some reason I stopped taking damage. Nevertheless, great effort! You completed the game jam and have a fun functioning game to show for it!

Thanks for your feedback! It made me very warm inside. The term "Great Evil Deadline", made me giggle when I first read it. 

(1) just valid criticism, I should have given this more priority.

(2,3) As for the pincer rule, you got it in the edit. I intended for it to be a bit of risk and reward, you have to make sure you roll a dice that's lower than the opponent to deal massive damage, but expose yourself to possibly having the lowest dice. However after reflecting on it for a bit after the deadline there are some aspects I don't like, for example you can't defend from a pincer attack.  I think that if I were to make this prototype into a full game, the rules should change up and introduce new (more complex) scenarios. So if this game spends more time in the oven, I hope that the 'first thought' on the pincer rule will also improve.

(4) The menu that the escape key opens is a preset from Renpy, the engine I used. Renpy is made for visual novels (and as a side feature supports making minigames). It has a bunch of built in features that most visual novels might want or need, such as that menu, which makes it excellent at getting a quick prototype out.

(5) I also love my little dice drawings. Even though I was a bit insecure about the simplicity (and terrible whitebalance). Thanks for noticing them :).

At the start of the jam I realized that my combat would be JRPG like, so I spent a hot minute reflecting on the strong and weak parts of that system. My main conclusion was that I should avoid a "who has the bigger number"-competition. So I tried (for example with the pincer rule) to prevent that. I love that that shined through.

Nice game! I got it pretty quickly and was able to play through all levels except for one where I got stuck in an infinite loop. It took me a bit of time to fully wrap my head around the way the cube moved, knowing what face would be the next one up if i press w,a,s, or d.  But after I got that it was smooth sailing.

These 11 levels introduce you very well to the concept, but I felt like  the solution was 'just follow the path' a bit too often. For example after we learn that going around a square (going up left down right) turns around the dice, I would love to see a level that explores that concept a bit more.  However, this "complaint" boils down to "I would love to see more levels", which is a good sign for  a gamejam game!

All in all, I had fun playing. This is a great proof of concept, well done!

I liked your game, and the idea behind it. To me it's like and upgraded form of "Game of the Goose" (ganzenbord), which I used to play a lot as a child.

At the start I was a bit confused as I had read the tutorial but once in the game I promptly forgot all details. Maybe being able to bring up the tutorial in game would solve this issue.

I would have liked to be able to play against a bot who just  presses space on their turn. (You said this feature got cut, I'll blame the deadline :) )

Lastly for the balance, I feel like right now the first player to get gold gets a huge advantage. Maybe starting each player off with 3 gold would help with that.

Thanks for the feedback! I think you're completely right, being on my own I overestimated the scope somewhat. I had intended to add a tutorial, create visuals, add music,  do more balancing and maybe add some progression, but I had to cut it all due to the deadline. Hearing what others have to say really helps in finding what parts of my unimplemented features should have been given more priority. So, thanks!