of course I hate the greatest cult of blood, death, rape, genocide, slavery, jihad, invasion, child abuse and child rape in all history and their root of evil in book form.
who wouldn't?
oh, but on the other hand...who did I just ask?
silly me!
...and your Messiah was a fundamental jew, like he must be, since christianity started as a stricly jewish cult and Yeshua said, that he is sent to David's people, and other people are merely the dogs to the true jewish masters on earth.
you find this in matthew 15: 21-28
and of course you did not read it.
and of course your imaginary friend did not return, like he promised, within the generation that lived during his cruzification.
it's a fairytale for the fragile patriarchy and for book burning warlords, like konstantin was.
Gotta love the cultists for their slapstick, but you all need Dionysos in your lifes!