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A member registered Dec 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Haha. That is great. Glad that he can now live on eternally!

I liked this story quite a bit!I thought the banter was good and I liked the relationship between the two of them. I also found it fun that the unlikely part was not that they were enemies but rather had vastly different priorities when it came to technology. I would have loved it to be more fleshed out but that is 1000 word limit for you.

I liked this story quite a bit!I thought the banter was good and I liked the relationship between the two of them. I also found it fun that the unlikely part was not that they were enemies but rather had vastly different priorities when it came to technology. I would have loved it to be more fleshed out but that is 1000 word limit for you.

This was a fun read. I like Gribble and Ratchet. I think that it would be fun to have a longer story with them and their new found bot swarm friends.

(1 edit)

I enjoyed this story and how is twisted being allies. I liked how the descriptions shifted from being about the location and the things around him to being about violence and blood once he was turned. I think the one quibble I have is that I think this story would have felt a little smoother written in first instead of third. Either way it was a good time (just not for Darguth).