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A member registered Nov 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

This game uses PuzzleScript Plus which includes the feature of 'goto' commands. This allows you to define levels with a name, and the ability to add 'goto [level_name]' on the right side of a rule. In my case, the game just has a rule for every valid combination of 5 sigils, and a goto command to send you to the relevant level.

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Yeah looks like the infinite loop bug, pressing undo should fix it. This level will be reworked soon to remove the issue.

EDIT: PYLON-33 has now been reworked in v1.8

Huh that's strange. There's a bug in the PuzzleScript+ engine where sometimes level transitions behave unexpectedly, so it might be a case of that sadly. Usually the 'wrong warp' tends to happen if you undo through a level change.

Hello! I think you have written down the 2nd sigil wrong in this case. You will instead want the "9"-looking sigil there, hopefully that will work for you.

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There's potential to get into an infinite loop in that level I've heard. You should be able to use the undo key to get out of it!

EDIT: PYLON-33 has now been reworked in v1.8 to fix this bug!

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(rot13, Totem and Glyph spoilers)

Lrnu! Gbgrz jnf qrsvavgryl vafcverq ol Purff (naq Hygvzn Purff sbe gur ynfg gjb cvrprf), naq Tylcu pnzr sebz gur vqrn bs gheavat Frg vagb n oybpx-chfuvat chmmyre. Tylcu-33 va cnegvphyne vf n ubzntr gb gur "svaq bar Frg bhg bs gurfr 12 pneqf" tnzrcynl bs gur pneq tnzr!

I've been looking forward to your playthrough! I'm very excited for this series :D

Thanks for letting me know, now fixed in v1.7 :)

Thanks for the kind words :)

The 'Help & Hints' area (upper-right exit of the main hub) might be able to help you there! It will contain hints for each Pylon type.

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Progress is tracked only by Garden passwords and Monolith Fragment passwords, so no need to worry about losing progress! You can also get back to the hub at any time (outside of the Intro section) via the X Menu.

Congratulations!! Really happy to hear that you had a good time with the game.

Also thanks for letting me know about that bug, it's now fixed :)

Haha thank you! It was definitely a long journey to get it all working in PuzzleScript, but goes to show that it can be done!

Legitimately the most fun I've had with an enigmatic/hunt-style puzzle in a long time! Really loved that every part of it felt approachable, whilst also staying cohesive in theme. Just awesome work all around.

Also I'm delighted to hear that Ultraviolet Puzzle Challenge was an inspiration for this, it's a style that I'm really fond of so it's exciting to be on the receiving end of it for a change!

I really like the work put into the artstyle! The bite-sized puzzles were lovely to solve also.

Cool stuff! I appreciated the puzzle design gradually guiding the player to not take the most obvious route first, and instead imagine other uses for what is given. The final victory lap of sorts was also a satisfying conclusion.

Here you go:

Feel free to send over any levels that you create, I'd be delighted to see what others are able to create with this :)

I adored this game when I was younger, playing free Flash games on Newgrounds in my spare time. I was (and still am) completely enamoured by the atmosphere and fragments of story. I love the aesthetic of monolithic architecture dwarfing the size of the player,  and of stories that leave just enough to the imagination to continue to spark wonder even after completion. Even though it's quite a short experience, I think it manages to get across everything it needs to and nothing more.

More than a decade later, it still lives on in my mind; It seems that I never truly left Looming. 

Thank you for creating this :)

Thanks for the kind words!

I'm very glad that you're enjoying it! 

It's a bit of a PuzzleScript quirk that it doesn't remember progress within a level unfortunately. However, I've now updated the game to include checkpoints after each section, so when you come back to the page and select Continue it shouldn't take you too far back from where you were up to! Hopefully that helps :)

Brilliant. Thanks for letting me know!

Thanks a lot :)

Super cute game. I can see there was a lot of care put into making it visually readable despite the unusual angle. Props to you for getting it to work in PuzzleScript!

Hahaha, it's a tricky one for sure. Thanks for the kind words!
