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Patty Pancake

A member registered Dec 25, 2015 · View creator page →

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Beautiful game with fun and simple controls. A little confused at the start and I thought the game required a controller.

Update: Added contributors.

Game was fun but it kind of didn't apply the theme much.

The controls felt floaty otherwise great game!

I loved the puzzle elements gameplay. It was challenging although not too overbearing. I just wish that there would be an explanation of how the game works in the beginning because at first it was confusing what happens when you press buttons.

Update 3/17/2022

- I now added a traditional steering option (you can now steer with left or right or A or D keys instead of the camera)

- Added Gnomon at the back of the bike to point to the destination.

- A number of UI bug fixes.

Thanks for the feedback!

I'm stuck in this room with the spiral door.

I had trouble opening this door while I opened the other one with the spiral. I also hit the diamond-like runes in the unlocked room (the one with skeletons in the beds). So I'll just rate it at this point. Overall I liked the game. I also liked the polish and attention to detail. It is also one of the best uses of the darkness theme for this jam.

I updated it with mouse and keyboard support! Also, I fixed a number of UI bugs and added a settings/controls menu.

I updated it with mouse and keyboard support! Also, I fixed a number of UI bugs and added a settings/controls menu.

I updated it with mouse and keyboard support! Also, I fixed a number of UI bugs and added a settings/controls menu.


I have included mouse and keyboard support. I also fixed UI bugs and added functionality. I also added a settings menu where you can set your gamepad or your mouse sensitivities.

Thank you for playing!!! 

Yes. I am adding keyboard and mouse support for controls. And sensitivity settings.

I'm working on adding mouse and keyboard support in the next update. Would release today.


I love this game! Simple and easy to understand how to play. Really excellent use of the darkness theme.

Awesome game.

Isn't this supposed to be made with Unity? Anyways awesome game. However, I'm afraid to rate it but if it was indeed made with Unity I'll rate it 4 stars for gameplay and fun, 3 stars for theme and innovation.

I had a lot of fun teleporting and grappling. However, I wish that it was possible to walk around the level. Also, should need a little tutorial in the beginning since I was kind of lost (pressing LMB and RMB at the same time was the answer).

Wow! This game is interesting. I thought I was going crazy but the visual artifacts were really well done. However, I wish there was mouse control so you can click on the answers.

Awesome simple game! Got stuck in the third or fourth level though.

Game is quite good. UI needs a bit of feed back though it's hard to tell if you're clicking on a button or just text.

Somewhat okay. May need a few more gameplay designs.

There's this error that happens whenever I pickup the first ammo near the crystal:

Unfortunately I cannot play the game :C

Somewhat okay. There's seems to be this annoying bug where the mouse drags towards the lower left side of the screen (character slow looks down and to the left). Otherwise, good job on the game!

I really like the polish and theme. Otherwise, there is not much in the game. The dialogue box doesn't open with mouseclick (the one with the opening chests)? It may either be a bug or lack of content. Otherwise, nice work!

Are you still looking for people? I'm primarily a Unity programmer and I do some basic 3D modeling for school and hobbies.

I don't have an official name yet, but I am planning to do something creative. I am going to make an FPS that't based around fishing. I will post progress in this thread.

Struggling with the procedural generation of the map. I need to focus more on the mechanics rather than the art...

Just started on "Shotgun Sally." Trying to use the Blender Game Engine as a challenge.