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A member registered Jan 14, 2023 · View creator page →

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Original Spelunky has tunnel man, which enables restarts at other worlds. Sadly another feature that didn't make it in my port :(

I think that would interfere too much with all the other (hold) button functions...

Not functional, and no benefit sadly :(

Due to memory and cpu constraints, enemies and ropes do not trigger arrow traps. Note that other objects you can throw do trigger them!

Indeed, the lack of "push block" functionality can lead to such situations. Actually, there is a 1/128th chance that either the entrance or exit is blocked-in... I need to think about how/if I want to deal with this.

Btw, running out of bombs is never a good strategy ;)

Hardest bit is actually not the level generation. That part is well documented in the original source code.

Performing all the collision checks between player/enemies/backgrounds/items/traps without overloading the CPU was actually the hardest part.

Push blocks sadly didn't make it in :(

Do note that you can place a bomb accurate when crouching. There should always be 3 tiles when "enclosed". If you stand at the other side you're safe from the bomb blast.

Arrow traps only trigger on thrown objects in this version, not on enemies.

Please do: paulko64 at gmail dot com

Sorry, only combined music+sfx is supported. Memory was really tight, so all non-essentially features did not make it.

Best to improve your skill further so that you can regularly reach the other worlds, which have different music :)

Memory constraints limited myself to only being able to support a single button joystick control scheme. Multi-buttom joysticks and keyboard controls are sadly not included...

Throwing a rope downwards was on my feature list, but dropped off due to memory constraints :(

Weird, I explicitly remove arrow (and spear) trap functionality when bombed. This might be an edge case though, since there is no left/right tile removal next to the trap in this specific case. Need to investigate further. Thanks for the report!

Oops, that needs to be fixed...

Actually you can. Joystick up and button tap will throw an object upwards. Takes some practice...

(1 edit)

To get off ladders, you have to press diagonally up. To reach a corridor directly next to a ladder, you should be positioned roughly a tile lower before jumping.

This is a consequence of having only a single button controller...

With some practice this should not be difficult anymore.

Thanks for the nice words!

In Spelunky classic you could "empty out" the water sections by bombing a hole in the bottom. That is one effect I did not have memory for in the end...

Game is designed to work with a single button joystick.

You can only take out a bomb or throw a rope when not carrying another item.

To take out or put back a bomb, hold button for a second while joystick is centered. Note that at this moment the bomb is not armed yet, so you can walk around freely while carrying it. Only after a short button tap, the bomb will be armed. Now you have a few seconds to drop it (joystick down and button tap) or throw it away (button tap). You can only put a bomb back when it's not armed...

It takes some practice to master this :)

Same way as you pick up other items: joystick down and fire. Indeed best to not anger the shopkeeper ;)

Indeed, the fun is trying to figure out what you can do with all the different items :)

You got to tell me how you did that. There should only be 16...

Mmm interesting, might be an emulator issue? I never encountered this during testing on real hardware...

Only left/right on ladder/rope switches player facing, which is needed for correct weapon direction.

An easter egg on the title screen would be too easy :)

Diagonally up allows you to jump off ladders. To enter a corridor directly next to a ladder, you should be positioned just below and push diagonally up.