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A member registered Aug 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for trying the game. I agree the difficulty was definitely not perfect. I for sure need to put more time into playtesting for future projects.

just saw this review. thank you so much for the kind words :)

good point! I noticed myself holding drift the whole time too

Love your artstyle!

Nice game! Worked on a similar game lately for a game jam (racing + lawn care) and wanted to see what others were doing in a similar format. found this gem!

Thanks VaporFaze! We had our doubts about whether it would fit the theme since we were initially planning a second part where you compete in a race driving a zero turn mower or something, but it's great to see the positive reception of the game and idea!

Thanks! Actually almost everyone on our team contributed considerably to the art, so as a bit of a pixel art perfectionist myself, I was pleasantly surprised when the graphics came together as cohesively as they did. I even learned a new pixel art techniques from one of my teammates.

Thanks! I'd love to work on my car physics more and make a racing game

post jam we're planning on adding more levels, and that's a good idea about crashing - when u crash maybe we'll make it so the level ends right there. so you still don't want to crash but crashing with one second left is less punishing

Thanks for the feedback!

The way I came up with to make the driving controls was redirecting a percent of the player's speed (traction percent) in their move direction. this didn't work with reversing because it would redirect the backwards speed forwards. I know how to fix this in theory, but I didn't have time to actually implement a fix. Easiest thing was just to remove reversing. I love how that became a core part of the game that you enjoyed :)

thanks for the feedback. maybe a gamepad would have worked better

not a super "fun" game but i love the voices

thanks! I'm happy with how it came out, especially since it was a team project so we all had slightly different styles

basically hold drift the whole time to cheese it. much easier to not go too fast and instead of actually mowing it like the lawn (strips), just do donuts in the middle of the grass

Couldn't run this game on my device. kept crashing :'(

Wow! You are a great animator. The animations and VFX are way above your skill level in just static pixel art which is a shame for "selling" me on the game from the screenshots but very charming to play. not sure about the theme interpretation but it works I guess. gameplay a bit repetitive but still enjoyed it

very creative! It was super difficult but fun to learn the controls. This would work great with a gamepad since you could use the sticks as sticks although that might take out some of the fun. Also your pixel art is 10/10. my favorite art is the explosion

Thanks for the feedback! I'm reviewing peoples games back - just don't have time today so I'll play yours tomorrow 

we had to make a choice between actually designing more levels and making super sick pixel art. we chose pixel art!!

game dev rizz

I've seen enough! Game of the year! this is incredible u made this whole thing in 2 days by yourself

solid game! great art. i love the blend of pixel art and 3d.  unfortunately u can win by holding down A the whole time, and thus, i didn't enjoy the game.

great puzzle game! Probably my favorite entry i've played so far. it was creative, fit the theme, and has quite a bit of content. Pls take out the turn timer though. so unnecessary and frustrating

Good presentation, decent interpretation of the theme. too complex for me though. i couldn't remember everything I had to do (harvest plants, craft defenses, prematurely kill pets) an easier first night would have been better imo


one of the options on the sphere is actually a text box where u have to type in a (negative) mass

Great game! had some missed potential; player should still be controllable w/o gravity (floating around), and objects should be controlable. I quit on level 3 since the cup clipped into the ground and i didn't feel like restarting. Its a good game but very steep learning curve and maybe a bit too hard to use. nonetheless, very good.

u earned urself a follow  for the homemade sfx :)

Haha. had a ton of fun with this one. the movement is clunky and weird, the controls are unintuitive, there is basically no variation in gameplay, but still the most enjoyable one I've played so far.

I'm not sure I like the take on the theme because normally a "final boss" is pretty powerful. Here, it seemed like you just made the "player" a boss and the "boss" a player. Technically still works but gameplaywise, it doesn't change much from the original roles. the game is decently fun to play, but the balance is off: Way to easy to start, and gets hard quickly. Great presentation though, and still impressive considering the time window

I love donkey kong, and thus, I love the idea of this game. Unfortunately, the game thrusts you right into the action and forces you to just figure it out. Not sure if there is a life system that is doing this on purpose, but after a few deaths, I stopped respawning and couldn't do anything.

I love donkey kong, and thus, I love the idea of this game. Unfortunately, the game thrusts you right into the action and forces you to just figure it out. Not sure if there is a life system that is doing this on purpose, but after a few deaths, I stopped respawning and couldn't do anything.

sprite stacking?

Actually, is it okay if I use a game I have like partly finished? I will consider it if I can use something I'm already sort of working on but I'm not going to make something all new.

Thanks for the kind words. I don't have time right now for the jam, but I'll consider it in the future.

oops - sorry about that.

yes - not so much on social media atm tho

true. like the judge a book by its cover game, i just had an idea to make it and threw together a concept. I don't want to ask you to play all of my games, but my best game is Sir Fleur that I spent like 5 months on.