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A member registered Jan 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Short but unique. The artstyle is definitely one of the best. Very good!

It appears to be a bit broken, first the monsters killed me too quickly, then my miner got stuck inside the base (I think it's because he tried to mine a crystal that was right next to it).  But the concept is very cool, I liked it.

At first the "enemies spawn away from the portal" and "you move faster in the direction you are facing" mechanics are confusing, but once you get used to it it becomes really fun. The game progression is a bit too exponential though, after just ~28 upgrades I became a enemy-deleting-fire-laser, and after 80 I became practically immortal.

A cool and fun game nonetheless.
alchofshadowsGIF.mp4 [video-to-gif output image]

Thanks! I will check it asap.

There is a glitch that if an enemy gets too close to you he "sticks" and makes you unable to move in that direction. The combat feels unbalanced,the player's attacks are too weak, so avoiding the enemies is more effective than killing them (or maybe I'm just too bad idk). I also found myself stuck at the the third level.

The map details and overall level design ideas were there though, with a bit more polish this could be a cool adventure game.

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I can feel that a lot of effort went into this game, and the artstyle is cool

Thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you liked it!

Thanks for the feedback!

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One of the few games that used the "Underwater Adventure" theme. Cool story!

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Yeah, Newton's first law of motion and the lack of friction in space are intentional. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! I will work on "goals" in the next update.

Thanks for the feedback!

I only have 2 problems with this game:

1, The shop only lets you buy one item/weapon at a time, there comes a point where I have a lot of cash and I cannot even use all of it because of this limitation.

2, the projectile throwing enemies can still attack while doing the death animation, resulting in a spike coming almost out of nowhere.

EDIT: Also I could walk through a wall and go out of bounds once. Rare but strange nonetheless.

All that said this is a great game. I like roguelikes and if it wasn't because of these issues I could replay this game all day long. This has the potential to become a full steam release if you fix these issues and add more content.

Great idea, not so great execution. The inverted controls and game items adapt to the theme perfectly. The problem is that platformers get really annoying if the player gets stuck in places, can't see where he goes, or moves too fast.
I see it is the first game you publish, as an amateur myself I understand your struggle.  I wonder how good your games are gonna get once you get more experience, because you already have good ideas. Best of luck!

At first I thought it was stupid that this platformer didn't have checkpoints, I didn't realize that "X" (I would change it to "Press X") was meant to be pressed until I read the game description. Then I realized how genius this game is. The "checkpoints as resources" is something new to me, I haven't seen before. I love how it foments the player to be creative, specially to collect past checkpoints. And the fact that my photos were actual photos that were shown at the end of the game is mindblowing.

Definitely a 4.75/5 game (I'm taking one personal opinion star because I lost quite some time without knowing there were checkpoints)

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it

Then (if other players are not facing the same issue) I'm too bad lol. I would like to know if this is only a me thing or if there are flaws in the game design that affect all players.

Still, nice game, I like the art direction you took here.

Yes, when I get to it. I don't have access to my pc rn.

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Thanks! I quoted this in the official trailer, if you don't mind

Thanks, I'm happy to hear you liked it

Yeah, the scarcity of fuel is intentional. I'm glad you liked it.

Thank you! Btw this is quoted in the official trailer, I hope you don't mind.


I will look towards adding goals and expanding the content in the next update. Thanks for your feedback.

Understood, thanks for your feedback.

Not gonna lie, "No chance of winning" is just an excuse for the lack of any goal. I had ideas about adding black holes or space stations as goals to move towards, I'll look towards adding that in the future.

At the moment it's not really a roguelike, I need to add more "bonuses" (propulsor, magnet, shield) for it to be one.

The idea behind "boosting while out of fuel" is that you are using a reserve for emergencies, I understand how it can be confusing to the player because I didn't communicate that correctly.

Thanks for your detailed feedback, I will keep it in mind when I develop the next update.

I didn't like the music, but the game itself is awesome. I love it.

Apart from the buggy dice (or at least it feels like it) is an interesting puzzle game. And the style is nice too.

same here

I must be very bad or I'm missing something, I can't get past the first wave. I guess the idea is to kill the flying enemies using an arrow, but I couldn't do that. Maybe making the "possessing" hitbox bigger can help, so the player can click a bit off the enemy/projectile and still possess it.

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Definitely a unique story. Great game overall.

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Lacks the polish and it feels repetitive, but the mechanics are interesting

The building feels very unfair, but the idea is great. This is the best game concept I've seen in the jam so far, I would even dare to say that this can become a complete 5$ game if you develop it further. It just needs more time to build and better building controls (like hotkeys, drag building, and stuff like that). Keep it up!

the puzzles could be a bit easier, but the ambient and models are nice

Not gonna lie, this scared me a few times and I still haven't completed it. I've seen a game like this before but i cannot remember the name of it.

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I don't quite get the gameplay, but the art is out of this world. Simply amazing!

also this gnome guy is very cool