The mechanics of this turn into a rage game. Worse if you are playing alone.
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No interactive tutorial, cool looking map, nice sfx, terrible performance(i played the windows zip file). My pc specs are integrated GPU.
When the units start to fire at eachother, frames drop. When you give orders for your units to move - frames drop. When nothing happens, it seems like to be at a stable 60. Also at >=5 FPS the screen violently shakes.
Final verdict: It takes two frames per second to play this game.
If you are reading this and have no idea what to do - check controls in the menu. Apparently, num4 on the keyboard keypad are attack, and num5 is parrying. Three programmers worked on this? Worked on what?
I wish the game would teach you the attack and defence by destroying some kind of obstacle to progress further. The boss is very easy once you know the controls.
Providing thoughts without spoilers:
-The collisions could have some work, because they appear in places where they are seemingly aren't there where they are supposed to be (like inside of homes and buildings). That's a technical issue.
-The combat was "standard issue" for an game made in RPG maker, though I wish it had more depth like buffs.
-About the map, there's not much to explore, even though you can find stashes, I wish there were more. It's a good incentive to make the player look around.
-How do I make the game fullscreen?
-I can tell there was little of playtesting? How? Because you can initiate a fight again, that were not supposed to be re-initiated. Try contacting the character that you already fought, you'll understand. Fun fact:If you re-initiate final fight, the game will softlock you, because the character physically cannot move where they need(for a cutscene) because of a wall.
-The plot, which this game probably relies on most. I'm not a writer, so I can't say as a proffesional. For me it seems fine, but unfinished(obviously, of course).
Now, spoilers:
Why is there a talking dog in the beginning but is never mentioned later? If you want a quest giver, just place a notebook inside MC's(I forgot his name) tentWho are the "helpers"? Were they supposed to be Olga and Clamp?
I just realized a connection. The villiage is called "Soma"(just like the island). The people in "Brave New World" consumed a drug called "Soma", that pacified them.
There is of course something wrong with Olga, if you interact with a clock in a F2 library, or fighting with Clamp, that make it very obvious. That forest is a maze, and I'm not a big fan of mazes. Maybe add a mechanic where the player is able to place a "marker"?
Also the forest could benefit from a simple puzzle, maybe make the player move rocks to open up the door to a cave, that they will enter? Because at current stage it's monotonous.
Man, these 10 seconds were the most intense in my life. Ten seconds that I lived 100 times. Also the returning in time just distorts the music and SFX everytime you do it in the web version. IDK if it's intended or not. Fun game nontheless.
Also I didn't realise that you can keep your bomb after the time reverse untill level 18.
I don't think this game is possible(without cheats) even on wave 1. But nice artstyle though. Those red guys are really stupid and can basically get stuck because of another red guy. They do not try to follow the path with least resistance to the tower, they go straight to it. There is no indication where they would spawn from. That's the biggest problem I think.