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A member registered Oct 02, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks heaps for the feedback! I spent so long on the game itself that I didn't leave enough for a proper tutorial, so that's what I'm working on now (as well as fine-tuning the audio, UI polish and aiming system), but great point about the slo-mo. I might try a build that uses that kind of alternate control, and let the player pick how they want to play after trying both out for a bit during the tutorial :D

Oh and the respawning will be fixed shortly!

CRAZY good art style and music, very unique. Platforming was super hard though, needed coyote time and maybe a bit of momentum on the jump so you don't stop moving midair as soon as you let go of left/right.

You even got a great logo :D you should be proud!

Awesome game, incredible art, just the little bits of polish here and there that would really make this a 5/5 game! Things like make the jump a bit faster, feedback on hitting enemies (screenshake, change the swing sound effect as it currently sounds like it missed the enemy, and maybe some hit-stop too).

Overall, awesome work and well done for only a month!!

Couldn't read the instructions as it made me nauseous, but good shooting mechanics anyways. Could be more obvious with what the goal is (maybe pointers, a score, or even just one line of text in the top corner of the screen reminding the player what they're meant to be doing.

Loved the mechanics here. I'm not sure if I prefer very little explanation and encouraging the player to trial it themselves (if that's what you were going for I'd make it a safer space to play around, maybe remove the spikes to start with).

My mind was blown when I saw that you could get shot and gain powerups - coolest moment for sure!

Cool game! I'd probably recommend disabling camera control, or at least limiting it so you can always see the oncoming pipes at the edge of the screen at least. Worst-case, you could add a bunch of arrows around the level showing the player where to focus their attention.

Models looked great! Just needed an obvious kill-zone so the player knows how far up and down they can go before they die.

This is great! Liked the music, and great work on physics for a solo dev in one month :D

Some things I noticed:

  • Could infinitely jump if hugging a wall
  • A little too slippery/momentum. Would feel nicer if the players stopped moving quicker
  • Round end UI at the end of level 1 was way off center
  • If you jump into a wall and hold the jump button you'll stay there until you let go
  • Jumping off edges needs more 'coyote time', made level 3 super hard

While I don't tend to like tower defense games, this one had a pretty unique spin which was nice. I play a lot of Arknights and could definitely see the similarities, as that's pretty much the only tower defense I play because of these unique mechanics.

I liked that a lot of effort was spent in building up the identities of these characters rather than leaving them as emotionless husks, but it may have gone a little too far and I found myself skipping a lot of the dialogue as I wanted to get to the action earlier. I think making the dialogue skippable would work it work for both types of players.

Nice artwork as well, although the map looked a little low res and the characters and buildings look like they have been scaled down to fit on the screen therefore the quality degraded around the edges. Try playing with vector art that scales to any size. Well done though, great work for only a month!

Great feel of the levels, satisfying gun play (especially the hats popping off) and art direction is awesome. It truly was scary having zombies be that fast, but having the player also be fast we satisfying.

I would maybe explain what each gun did as soon as you pick it up though, and maybe make the powerups a little weirder to be closer to the theme. Turning off motion blur would also be the safe bet ;)

Great game for your first ever project! Couldn't find any bugs (apart from the ones you eat!) and the audio matched what was happening on screen relatively well, though the sound effects were a little too loud.

I wasn't exactly sure why I was a frog, and why a diamond turned me into a dragon, but eating bugs made sense!

Try adding some text at the start of the game to tell the player what they have to do and why so that they're ready to go rather than having to work it out themselves :)

Love the art style, though felt a little too easy. Would love to explore benefits of different character choices (i.e. more expensive but also better performing), as well as make it obvious when they are hitting the player