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Phil The Dragon

A member registered Dec 02, 2020

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(1 edit)

How are you supposed to fish? Pressing E throws the line but does nothing else.
Edit: figured it out. The you need to press E again when the character is shaking. Not really intuitive, I thought their arms just got tired from not doing some fishing minigame.

I know, it'd still be nice to have the glossary with all in one place, especially since you don't always have a relevant perk to look it up from-kobolds liking/disliking being cummed in was confusing without knowing about the free cum stacks (or that you need a perk to get them despite getting multiple other ones interactingwith them. I think I've got the reduce cap to 7 perk before the one that actually gives them to you.)

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It'd be helpful to have a glossary or something for key words like Plap, Free Cum Stack, Arousal Stacks etc. Didn't even know you could cum in this game (besides the win animation)-
Also LET US FUCK THE PSEUDODRAGON! (Could replace the tutorial 'bold)

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-Tags don't work at all (neither "gay" nor "[gay]")
-No way to return to main menu (To edit tags) after starting the game
-images don't get resized to fit on the floating monitor thing, leading to a *lot* of cut parts.

-no video controls (forwarding etc)
-"Unicode parsing error, some characters were replaced with  (U+FFFD): Invalid UTF-8 leading byte (89)

ERROR: Parse JSON failed. Error at line 0: Unexpected character." in the console
-Game tried to access picture that doesn't exist (404 Error)
-SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index '38' (on base: 'Array'). after passing on the 404 image
-your randomizer seems out of wack as I got the same images multiple times. Which is unlikely considering e6 has 4.000.000+

The game was beta-tested according to a note on the title screen. May I ask *what* part was? Because these mistakes are quite easy to spot.

The second stage is impossible. You are expected to just go back and forth, right? Nothing happens even if you do it at the fastest seed the game allows- which already would be a terrible idea. The only thing happening is some tiles getting white.

I'd also add:
-A visible health system, because the attack just randomly decides if it works- on both you and the enemy. Doe you have three hits? 2? 1 that refreshes whenever the code gods decide?

(2 edits)

So from what I can tell: (And obvious Spoilers for key location etc.)

1 Don't move.

2 Reach Trowzer without the key after the time limit.

3 Reach Trowzer with the key, but after the time limit (you can grab the key later. It's Upwards, first left, past the minefield, then up until you are in a room with four exits, all but the bottom one surrounded by 2-wide lines of mines. The key is in one of the three adjacant rooms, but it's rng which one)

4 Get the key and reach Trowzer in time

5: Collect all keys (including the one you have to collect as the first-it's in one of the rng rooms, apparantly)

6 (Edit: Thanks to Garry_T_Fox) Collect the dead-looking key in one of the rng rooms. You CANNOT collect any other key before it. Return to Trowzer's room and go right, past Shovel Knight until you find a big key at the end. Bring it to Trowzer.

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You misspelled nsfw in the tags. You might want to fix that just to be on the safe side.

Oh, it's a game jam! You don't know how confusing it was to see the same Wolf that isn't an already established character like O'Donnell or Amicus on multiple VNs by multiple authors. It felt like the waffle house host all over again.

Unless your days are shorter than 10 minutes each, not being able to save will be a pain in the ass. There's a reason why VNs have tons of freely accessible saves.

What the hell kind of balance? I´m level 5, strong enough for  two guards and the general, yet every mimic kills me!

Also, there´s an invisible wall in front of the mimic blocking the way in the cave dungeon.

Is the goat tribe locked off after arguing with Lothar?

He'll be in the future, the other three routes just take priority.

Not yet. His, Zach's and Chris' routes are stretchgoals on patreon, which have all been reached (despite the current amount having dropped below Zach's), but will only be devellopped once the three main love interests have their routes done.

Button deserves some kudos. He's a good, even if a bit pushy boss and honestly, both Redial and Wilson need some pushing.

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Nope, just mouse. It's bluetooth, if that helps.

I hope this works. While you can't see the cursor, I'm moving my mouse like crazy.

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Sorry, but that's exactly what I did. I record my "movements", the arousal and pleasure bars increase, but the two are still in their idle poses without an inch of hip movement

Also, the "Finish Sex" button doesn't work, but I think that's just the games pre-alpha state.

This problem has persisted since last August. This is a huge issue, but the devs aren't adressing this. I'm beyond dissapointed.

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Oh, it's an expression used to describe idiots who try to type "move", but somehow hit b instead of v.
Also, I beat the edging minigame. You might want to add the hint that hearts generate faster the more there are in one place. But great concept and beautiful models!

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Nice to see progress, but for some reason the kobold doesn't move at all during the sex act, Also, the edging minigames enemy ai is way too hard!

I love the game. Introduced me to a new card game.

Found a bug: If you fuck and go through a door at the same time, you get softlocked.

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The controls are strange I can't get high enough to reach the first crouch jump edge. Or it's just my computer lagging too much.

It has potential, though.

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The window doesn't work. Parts of the interface is outside it and I can't read or click it. Not even in Full Screen.

Edit: nevermind, it's Firefox.

It's been a problem for half a year.

Taking their sweet time, aren't they? THE PROBLEM IS HALF A YEAR OLD, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!