How are you supposed to fish? Pressing E throws the line but does nothing else.
Edit: figured it out. The you need to press E again when the character is shaking. Not really intuitive, I thought their arms just got tired from not doing some fishing minigame.
Phil The Dragon
Recent community posts
I know, it'd still be nice to have the glossary with all in one place, especially since you don't always have a relevant perk to look it up from-kobolds liking/disliking being cummed in was confusing without knowing about the free cum stacks (or that you need a perk to get them despite getting multiple other ones interactingwith them. I think I've got the reduce cap to 7 perk before the one that actually gives them to you.)
-Tags don't work at all (neither "gay" nor "[gay]")
-No way to return to main menu (To edit tags) after starting the game
-images don't get resized to fit on the floating monitor thing, leading to a *lot* of cut parts.
-no video controls (forwarding etc)
-"Unicode parsing error, some characters were replaced with (U+FFFD): Invalid UTF-8 leading byte (89)
ERROR: Parse JSON failed. Error at line 0: Unexpected character." in the console
-Game tried to access picture that doesn't exist (404 Error)
-SCRIPT ERROR: Invalid get index '38' (on base: 'Array'). after passing on the 404 image
-your randomizer seems out of wack as I got the same images multiple times. Which is unlikely considering e6 has 4.000.000+
The game was beta-tested according to a note on the title screen. May I ask *what* part was? Because these mistakes are quite easy to spot.
So from what I can tell: (And obvious Spoilers for key location etc.)
1 Don't move.
2 Reach Trowzer without the key after the time limit.
3 Reach Trowzer with the key, but after the time limit (you can grab the key later. It's Upwards, first left, past the minefield, then up until you are in a room with four exits, all but the bottom one surrounded by 2-wide lines of mines. The key is in one of the three adjacant rooms, but it's rng which one)
4 Get the key and reach Trowzer in time
5: Collect all keys (including the one you have to collect as the first-it's in one of the rng rooms, apparantly)
6 (Edit: Thanks to Garry_T_Fox) Collect the dead-looking key in one of the rng rooms. You CANNOT collect any other key before it. Return to Trowzer's room and go right, past Shovel Knight until you find a big key at the end. Bring it to Trowzer.
I hope this works. While you can't see the cursor, I'm moving my mouse like crazy.