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A member registered May 21, 2019

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Nice take on the theme, I like the way the difficulty ramps up. The visuals are stunning!! That in combo with the music makes this a gorgeous experience to play :))

Nice game! Fun to play, would be cool to see this expanded upon, eg ramping up difficulty using different enemies or having more dice abilities! :)

Nice! I used to do this too, and the DM would always get annoyed, so nice take on the theme :))

This is super polished! I like the take on the theme, the way the music cuts out when you die is clever, and the pacing is hectic in a way that keeps you on your toes. I had a lot of fun playing this :)

Nice concept! The levels are fun to figure out :)

Nice! I like the concept of choosing your dice as a currency for actions, got a bit lost in the map and couldn't find where I was a little bit in through playing though! :)

Nice one! The difficulty ramps up very quickly lol, would be cool to see some SFX, or other juice like screenshake when the dice slam down to make things feel more hectic for the player. I played a few rounds and got 47 seconds in, I really enjoyed this! :)

I clicked the dice D:

Liking this! The music and gameplay are fun, and the sounds are also satisfying, especially at the end of a level when it counts the dice up. Would be nice to have a bit more camera control. Overall I enjoyed playing this! :)

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I had a lot of fun playing this! It was a good balance, trying to figure out where they are. I did find though that you could cheese it by marking all the tiles as flags, so maybe limiting the number of flags that can be placed? This has a lot of potential, some sound effects and general juice would make this golden :)

I love the concept! It was a bit hard to get the timing down but after a couple tried I got it, would be cool to see what this would be like with some music behind it! Could be quite addicting :)

Enjoyable game! I like the concept, it'd be cool to see what it'd become if it was a bit longer :)

Very nice! I enjoyed the game loop a lot and liked the idea that the level changed depending on difficulty, the levels were nicely put together. The camera felt a bit finicky, but overall the game was fun to play! :)

This game hurt my head lol... but in a good way! Fun experience :)

yes, i'm getting it as well, mistype

(1 edit)

First time playing I didn't get this, but upon replaying I'm getting this issue too

Nice one! Easy to understand and fun to play! The music is a bop and I enjoyed my time playing :)