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A member registered Sep 14, 2014 · View creator page →

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Je crois que nos jeux ont un thème en commun. :p Great graphics and presentation, my main issue was that the game could have been twice as short, and the enemies a little more aggressive. I found the ending quite funny and thought it tied the whole thing together really neatly!

Thanks! Many people seem to find the janitor too fast and I would definitely agree.

Yeah, I was so pressed for time I must have spent a total of only 10 min tweaking the balance...I would also have liked to have some lock-on system to allow you to move while throwing staff at the janitor but again, so little time...

Very impressed by the overall presentation, and music (reminded me of Cthulhu Saves the World, maybe an inspiration?). I found the sheer amount of units overwhelming, I think it may have been clearer if the cards were equipped solely by the player, while the individual units would only affect the statistics, if that makes sense. Nevertheless, great job!

Nice score! Totally agree on the music, ran out of time unfortunately.

I loved the concept (and the apparent reference to Severance in the design of the office), but I ultimately got frustrated by the floaty platforming controls and the lack of hotkeys to enable/disable mechanics. I'd love to play more when issues are ironed out!

Really well-designed game! I wish I'd got all the checkpoints because I couldn't reach the ending - I'd like to have known in advance that they were required. Nevertheless, very impressive!

Nifty little project! I appreciated the weapon variety, though I only ended up needing the plasma rifle. I had a hard time figuring out how to equip the weapons, and the mouse pointer on the screen was a little distracting. I would have liked to see a bit more polish and in-game guidance, but these are the struggles of game jams which we all run into!

Oh man, I feel that! For my game I had to teach myself how to rig and animate a 3D character, bake the animations and export the rig from Blender to Godot...kind of a nightmare but at least I know how to do it now! It certainly took up a lot of time that could have been used for polish though.

I thought this was pretty and...oddly relaxing! The text at the top of the screen during some sections was a little distracting, and I'm not sure if that was intentional but it looks like I was able to kill the boss in a single dash through the wall of flames?

The way the game looks is probably its strongest aspect - however the jump felt incredibly heavy and the wall run unreliable. I couldn't figure out how to escape from the knights so I had to give up after a while. I'd be happy to play again once those issues are ironed out!

Very cool-looking game! I think enemies could have been a little faster to encourage that classic twitchy gameplay, but it's a solid start if you're looking to expand on it.

Fun game! Art style felt very polished and I appreciated the rebindable controls. Like others, my biggest gripe was not being able to tell when the Cardinal was nearby enough to spot me. :D

Glad that struck a chord, hope I didn't give you PTSD or anything though! :p Thanks so much for playing!

Sweet game, though a little hard to read at times. I think having player and enemy projectiles be opposite colours could have helped? Loved the screenshake and overall juiciness, and I thought the main menu and tutorials were very well-presented (odd compliment I know, but my beginner menus are butt-ugly and I'm jealous lol).

Really fun little game with cute art! Love the popping sounds too.

Yeah, I should have made him an actual ghost and embraced the weirdness. :D Thanks for playing!