this is fun game. but it doesnt have enough jenga blocks! short king + burning block is OP charged attack is good too. stressfull attack and defence are bad and attack and defense and basic are boring af
how do you use the shop upgrade stuff? i got a logic cube and dont know where to put it. it says it gives one more blue cube when the wheel is spun but i dont get 2 when i spin the wheel even when im holding the cube
its kinda boring since theres no real danger. you know since you CANT DIE? YOU LITTERALY CANT LOSE? IT TAKES THE WHOLE PREMICE OF GAMES AND FLIPS THEM UPSIDE DOWN11! IN A BAD WAY11!
its kinda really in the open it was before the knight boss fight and there was just a giant opening to the left of a thing you fell down and then just go to the left and BAM you can fall through. it looks like there is a walw but it has no hitbox and you just fall through