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Pie Gulp

A member registered Dec 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, it's definitely in need of some timing tweaks! You can remove cows using the X icon in the bottom left, but it's definitely not clear that's what it's for at the moment! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

Yeah, there was a zoom but it broke in the web build so I had to just disable it. Thanks for the feedback.

Looks like a good concept but the camera and slow movement speed made it a little annoying to play. Still a really good job in the time limit!

Fun game, and the upgrade system was nice! We didn't realise you could upgrade at first though, maybe it should pop up at the beginning of the game, since you start with some points to use?

Was a cool idea and I really enjoyed the art work, but the main attack was a little bit spammy. Like others, I missed the mutations the first couple of times they happened too!

Seemed like a good concept and we loved the art, but it broke in the same place other people have mentioned

It's a cool idea but it's possible to die in spots which make the level impossible to finish on subsequent lives.

Fun game! I liked how to mutations were triggered! Would love to see the idea expanded!

Really fun game! Managed to win with only 4 deaths. I really enjoyed the variation in the mutations that me and partner saw on our playthroughs!

Fun game! Was a little bit spammy rather than tactical but I enjoyed seeing what all the different slimes did! Eventually beat it after a few tries!

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Really cool puzzle game! Nice mechanic and super chill! I made it level 9 and my partner made it level 11 before we got stuck.

It's cute! Congrats on learning a new engine! Is the goal to jump around and survive for as long as you can or am I missing something? 

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Growing flowers and butterflies was fun but we had no idea where to go or what to do after those ran out

Fun game! Found a glitch which changed how the enemies were path finding so you could just move either side of a wall to choose whether they were running towards you or away.

(1 edit)

Seems like fun but it's really difficult and neither of us could get past the second orb! We really enjoyed the music though!

Really fun game!

Fun game with a solid concept! The art was really cool! I really struggled with the melee weapons though!

Seems like a fun concept but it starts out far too fast to learn properly. I'd much rather click on the correct answer rather than try and remember which letter is which number too.

Fun game, the art and music was nice! I found the mutation button a little difficult to hit while moving and jumping, maybe Shift, Q, or E would have been a little easier to reach.

Thanks! Glad you had fun!

Thanks!  That's a good comparison! Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for the feedback! I'm still trying to decide if I add more or just finish the art off once ratings are over!

Thanks! I'm glad you like the art, that's not my strong point at all!

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

Oh, that's a good idea! There is a deleter in the bottom left but I didn't get time to make it obvious what it did, and old age makes a lot more sense anyway! Thanks for the suggestion!

Ohh, that's some high praise indeed! I'm gonna try and finish the art to update it after the two week rating period!

Yay, glad you enjoyed it!


Thanks so much! I'm actually really surprised we're the only team who found that pun!

Yeah, unfortunately the zoom broke in the web build when I submitted so I had to just disable it entirely! You were supposed to be able to see more! I'm glad you enjoyed it though! Thanks for the feedback =)

Yeah, it ramps up very quickly and could have definitely been paced a lot better!

It's supposed to be that the archaeologists are surprised that the monkey is there defending the place, as they thought it was empty!

Oh, very good point! I didn't even consider that! The mechanic for them running away instead of just despawning was add really late!

Looks great, but I wasn't quite sure what was happening

This was a fun take on clickers! I thought the second Stargate was supposed to be at the south pole though!

My only real feedback is please make sure to always include an option to invert the mouse Y  axis. Otherwise it's very disorienting for those of us whose brains work that way!