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Pixel Carvel

A member registered Jan 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks ^^

That’s really nice, i’ll check it right now ^^

I really liked the game idea, can you also let we download at last the 10 sec tracks that we make?

Muito obrigado de verdade ^^. Esse jogo foi um bom estudo apesar dos bugs kkkk

kkkkk obrigado ^^

Valeu Catia ^^ foi um bom aprendizado mas agr tenho que melhorar algumas coisas pros próximos jogos de plataforma que fizer kkkkk ^^

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you just need to create a group for them and put the snow plow in it, after this you can adjust the plow position. This way you can put the two together and the group will make more easy to move them ^^

Hey just to let you know i aded a snow plow 3d model that can be used with the truck or any of the vehicles now ^^

Hello again ^^ so you want a snow plow truck? if you want i can make another asset and add here soon ^^

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Thanks ^^, i plan to make more vehicles and more atached objects later (like other tipes of wagons, carts etc.) this is a nice idea to do when i start to make the objects assets ^^

Thanks ^^, actually before i put some animations in the assets but now because i lack of time i just put the screenshots, but maybe in the future i can add some animations too i just don’t know how much time it will take until i can have time to update the assets with some animations

Thanks ^^, yes i made some animated previews in the old assets but now because i don’t have much time i don’t make it more. But when i can i will add some animations at last for one in each asset project ^^

Muito bom, as mecânicas são divertidas e achei a arte muito bonita ^^

Gostei bastante das mecânicas, o único problema que notei é que as vezes as notas aparecem sobrepostas então acontece do player errar uma nota que nem apareceu pq ele está tocando outra nota. Mas o jogo é incrível e bem divertido, não da vontade de parar de jogar ^^

Yes but only when i end to publish them all, or in the end of the year. This asset project is the bigger that i made until now. Yet probably i will make a bundle for the player characters too ^^

kkkkk that’s true, but is a evil smile kkkkkkkkkk

Thank you too ^^, and don’t worry i have a bunch of ideas for this tiny rpg pack yet!

Thanks ^^

Thanks ^^ i try to make the most variety i can in this project.

Thanks ^^ i’m really glad that you liked it, and i hope you can check the other assets too ^^

I don’t have twitter but my instagram is @pixelcarvel, and thanks for the credit ^^

Thanks ^^

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I am working on another assets right now, but in the future i plan to make some more enemies for this assets too. Yet if you want we can talk and see what i can do for you ^^

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Right i just sended to you a invite on the discord just message me there so we can start to talk ^^

Hello! thanks for the comment! ^^ I never worked in any side projects yet, but give me more information so we can see what can be done or how i can help you

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I understand. Thanks for the compliment i hope this pack can be really usefull for you ^^

Done Now Theres 3 Ships with left and right movement Animations ^^

All the enemies are projected to stand still or move forward but i can try to make some left/right to some of them