It’s a great game, i liked how the mechanics where used to make the map and puzzles the more interactive they can.
Pixel Carvel
A member registered Jan 25, 2022 · View creator page →
Creator of
Set of two top down items and mechanisms for puzzle/dungeon games
Set of Low poly Monolits for a 3d adventure or tower defense game
Pack of 10 beer-shaped emotes, to use in social medias or even games
Pack of 10 beer-shaped emotes, to use in social medias or even games
Simple arcade game to try to reach the biggest score you can
Play in browser
Set of Low poly Magical Spears for a 3d adventure or tower defense game
Set of Low poly Ballistas/Crossbows for a 3d adventure or tower defense game
Set of Low poly Tower and Flags for a 3d adventure or tower defense game
A 8 direction character sprite sheet with a great variation of actions to an adventure or simulation/management games
A 8 directional swords and tools sprites to an adventure or simulation/management games
A 8 direction character sprite sheet with a great variation of actions to an adventure or simulation/management games
Set of Top down terrain tiles for a race game with variations
Set of pixel art top down tanks with the part sprites to build vehicles for a action or race game
Set of pixel art top down tanks with the part sprites to build vehicles for a action or race game
Set of 32x32 Pixels Cards and Icons Sprites to build decks to any type of Card Game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of 48x48 Pixels Cards and Icons Sprites to build decks to any type of Card Game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Um jogo de puzzle desafiador onde você deve ajudar um personagem de tinta a voltar para o seu quadro original
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of creatures and monster characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of Female playable characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of Female playable characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of Female playable characters for an RPG or action RPG game
Set of items and equipments for the player and for the scenes
Set of items and equipments for the player and for the scenes
A set of two types of simples enemies with 4 sprites variations for idle or adventure games
A set of two types of simples enemies with 4 sprites variations for idle or adventure games
A set of two types of simples enemies with 4 sprites variations for idle or adventure games
A set of two types of simples enemies with 4 sprites variations for idle or adventure games
Simple Low res 16x16 Characters for a idle or adventure game
A set of pixel art model characters for a platform or adventure 2D game
A set of pixel art model characters for a platform or adventure 2D game
A set of pixel art model characters for a platform or adventure 2D game
A set of pixel art model characters for a platform or adventure 2D game
Vertical Background Sprite Sheet for Shoot em up or Space Games
Recent community posts
Where is my planet? Demo Version comments · Replied to gatocalvojogos in Where is my planet? Demo Version comments
Muito obrigado ^^ fico muito feliz que tenha gostado, e sim o jogo tá bem desafiador, acho que até demais para uma versão demo kkkk, mas pretendo nivelar mais depois. E sobre o feedback claro que aceito um feedback detalhado sim, se quiser pode até entrar no meu server pra falar isso ou me chamar no privado lá no discord ^^
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