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A member registered Sep 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Just updated to Chapter 33.

At first I didn't think there was enough content to charge for.  And it was always just a side-game to A Father's Sins.
Now that it's been rolling for about a year I should probably consider it.

We plan on releasing the game on Steam eventually, when it's completed.

The game isn't finished.  Yet.  :)

Other than that, did you enjoy it?

Just updated to Chapter 32
Next release will be September 2, 2024

Just updated to Chapter 31
Next release will be August 2, 2024

Just update to chapter 30.
Next release (chapter 31) will be July 2, 2024

Running jus ta little behind this month, update (chapter 30) release is tomorrow.  June 8, 2024

The version offered here on Itch is uncensored.

Just updated to chapter 28.  Next release is May 2, 2024

Chapter 27 just posted, about a week late.
Will resume on the 2nd of every month in consecutive updates.

Just updated to chapter 26.

So true.

Be advised, if it's not from the legit game thread, there's something fishy about it.
Thanks once again for bringing it to my attention.

Thank you VERY much for bringing it to my attention.
A DMCA complaint has been filed.

(1 edit)

Just updated to chapter 25.  Enjoy.

Chapter 26 release date will be Feb 3, 2023

I see.  Thinking about making it an optional download, as not all the players are keen on it.  

I don't want to give away the story, but it isn't impossible.  :)

What type of mod or multimod are we talking about?

For the Joob-Joob?

Right now A Father's Sins and it's companion game Going to Hell have been taking up all my time.   I often put in 10-12 hour days just trying to keep up.

But it certainly isn't impossible that I may revive the game in some form in the future.  With update graphics, animations and characters.  In 1080HD.

Thanks for purchasing the game.

A Father's Sins Chapter 24 available for download NOW!

This is where the game starts to really come together.  And you begin to understand the relationship between Maddy and the mc.

No problem.  Please feel free to contact me if you're experiencing any other difficulties.

(1 edit)

That should not be possible.  Which version (pc/linux/mac/android) were you playing?  

In any case I've updated all versions of the game, and double checked them.  
Sorry for the snafu, everything should be fine now.

Really??  That shouldn't be.
Which scene was it? And thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Just updated to Chapter 23.

Just updated to chapter 22
- Maddy's paranoia.
- Meeting the Grey Lady.
- Epic fight scene in the catacombs.

If you've downloaded the game from here you have in fact downloaded the FULL release.  Uncensored.

The blurb at the bottom of the screen and the endgame sequences are simply left-overs from the PUBLIC release. 

Just updated to Chapter 21.

Updated.  Chapter 20 (August 5th, 2023 update)

Chapter 19 available now!

Chapter 18 just released.  Available for download now!

Just update to Chapter 17.
Next release: June 2, 2023

Just update to Chapter 16.
Next release: May 2, 2023

Now the MC is down in the Bunker with a half dozen women things are going to pick up.  

Glad you're enjoying it.
Any comments or suggestions are always welcome.

No, you've already purchased the game.

If you mean the CENSORED?  DOWNLOAD THE UNCENSORED VERSION HERE caption at the bottom of the page?  That always appears, no matter which version of the game you're playing.

If you're not seeing a huge nag-screen during the sex animations, it's because you're playing the un-censored version.  Which is the one available for download here.

I hope you're enjoying it, the game updates on the 2nd of every month.  

Chapter 14 available NOW

And chapter 14 is now available for download.
I hope you enjoy it.

(1 edit)

Soon.   As in I'm working on it right now?  :)
Should be done in about 90 minutes or so.

I think you're going to like it, the beta testers did.

Roger that.  A Father's Sins is pretty well burning up all my working hours.  :)

Glad you're enjoying the games.  I'll look into the face thing as soon as I get a little time.

Uh, honestly I don't remember, it's been a couple of years since I last worked on it.
Which version did you play?  PC, Mac or Android?