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Pixle Van Gogh

A member registered Feb 24, 2024 · View creator page →

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Glad you liked it! :)

Glad you liked it. We were thinking the same too about those target lines, so we didn't add

Your art is a masterpiece! Would have been nice if you could see when the enemy is attacking. Overall the game has nice vibes :)

Dodging enemies and getting to the end was quite easy.  Would have been nice if they came after the player. Still a rather nice small game.

The sounds are quite something xD

Are you holding the space bar or left mouse button down?

You can just hold it down and it will automatically shoot or let go earlier but it wont go that far. You should see the cannon image load down in the middle.

So if you only click then its not going to go anywhere


Thank you for the feedback! :)

Thank you for the feedback! :)

Extra difficulty level for those who want challenge. Play with track pad.

Thanks for feedback! :)

Thank you for feedback!

The reson it doesnt charge when you are not holding anything is because when I tried to do it for some reason it was breaking the charge. So i was like, eh its a feature now. Im sure it doesnt make the game too hard. Well I quess it did make the game quite hard xD

I hope you know that you can attack with right click or space? During the time bar thats down is emptying ANY fish you touch will die, even shark (doesnt work on Fishing net). So you can kill multiple fishes with one attack. Its slow to charge back up but might save your day. Also you dont get points from killing.

Maybe the reason its not always responsive is because its a browser versio? I didnt have issues even on browser but obviously doesnt mean others wont. Did you have a lot of tabs on or anything that might slow it down? Or what browse did you use? Maybe some work better?

Thank you for the feedback! :)

I think -153 on normal level is a really good score or I might be a little stupid. Quite challenging but still enjoyable game.

That might be the issue, I didnt test it on track pad but considering you need fast movement I would think its a bit hard. Thanks for the feedback! :)

Glad you liked it and thank you for feedback! Sadly I didn't have time to make music beside short bit that plays at the start

Glad to hear you liked it :)

Thank you for the feedback! :)

Good work! :D Also, I dont know if you noticed but at the beginning there is a narrow path that can be used for practice before you go any further.

Yay! You did it! Thats amazing! Its good time and Im sure no-one else has done better considering I doubt anyone else has even made it to the end xd Good work! :)

Its okay. And good to know that it seems like I really made it way too hard. Thanks for letting me know!

Thank you for the feedback :)

Thank you very much for your feedback! Means a lot to me :)

Well, you are in luck since my game has a timer for speedrunners. Feel free to try (point being try, my game is hard).

Here is the link:

(1 edit)

I made all the art, music and sound effects myself. Music and sound effects were tricky to make since I used a program I never used before so it was a bit of a learning curve there. In the game page if you scroll down you can find what I used to make all this.

Here is the link to the game:

Music sure gives good vibes. Character was a bit slidey but overall a good game

That bridge part was smart. Loved the game was fun!

Good game! Liked the gameplay. Art and the perspective of the game were cool.

Expectation: cute and fun game. Reality: suffering. Thanks for the feedback :)

Thank you for the feedback :)

Glad you liked it! :)

Glad to hear you liked the game :)

Glad you liked it and thank you for the feedback! :)

Glad you enjoyed it. And thank you for the feedback!

Thank you :)