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Pizza Sauce

A member registered May 21, 2017 · View creator page →

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I'll drop the sequence below unless there's a rule not being mentioned by the video.


Starting with white assuming a1 is bottom left corner














Found a solution in 13. Not sure where to post moves

Good little game and I liked the puzzles. A little on the easy side for me but still enjoyable. Also I wish I could go back to previous areas and collect the balls of yarn.

So first of all, I almost gave up, but I always read all comments and information after I complete the game. I could not figure out the candle lighting system. After reading I finally figured out you have to pick them up(I finally saw the prompt to pick up, I'm not sure why it never showed on my first playthrough). In my opinion, the candles should start in your hands and then you can choose to drop it to grab another.

Anyways, after playing it through I DID enjoy it and liked the decision to only take certain candles that can only see their color's platform. As others have said I didn't enjoy the controls with switching and lighting candles while also trying to platform. Good game and concept and keep on creating at the young age, you are doing more than most with others your age.

Good idea and implementation.

I liked ammo being tied to the light source.

I would have liked to see how close I am to getting an upgrade and a kill counter.

My biggest advice when doing platformers is avoid blind jumps. Too many times I had to climb back up just to guess at how far I should be jumping then failing and trying again. and the momentum in the air could be tweaked.

Otherwise, good game I did beat it. 

Solid platformer here, pretty hard from the start. I was getting close to the end but I would get to certain checkpoints and it would take away my dash powerup so I couldn't complete it very cool though

Candle animation is beautiful. Honestly, I'd like to see some kind of game with the art style at the end because I really liked the hand drawn look of the button. Also I got cake 

LOL thanks. I may have taken the LEAST fun too literally.

Keep at it friend, don't stop creating!

Great work and I like the shifting between worlds aspect although sometimes it felt a bit off and I think the difficulty ramps up too quickly however given the time constraints great job

Thanks for the feedback

Thank you so much for the feedback. Your game is beautiful btw.

Well, I assumed the things around the map are buildings. I couldn't find a way inside or anything resembling an enemy. I really had no direction on what to do or where to go

The music, the art, the puzzles... all beautiful. Well done! A very worthy contender here.

Great submission. You did very well in every category good implementation of the theme, fun and challenging with some of the paths and platforming

Calling it now, this one wins it. Incredible job

Incredible job! Very much enjoyed this entry.

I will say I enjoyed the game loop for a bit until it felt like just trying to farm the same route to get the most money to upgrade instead of rewarding me for pushing further, however I did enjoy it overall.

Fun boss fight. Took me a few tries but I got it

You did what I was trying to do with my game only way better! Major props

From what I played so far yours has been one of the more unique ones for sure. Actually weaving some narrative while using puzzles, only suggestion is to put the time travel button in the game because I almost gave up before I looked in the description. Great job though

I really like this one, reminds me a little of Vampire Survivors. The monsters get overwhelming so fast. Great job on this one and best of luck.

I'm sorry I've tried three times now and I can't find anything to do besides the buildings.

I like the atmosphere, Something lurking in the darkness would be gold

I hope it was as exciting as the real deal

The sprites are lovely. Only thing I can think of as a major improvement to the concept is having enemies spawn from a specific location or from outside the bounds of the screen. I was hurt too many times from an enemy just appearing on me. Great game though for sure in the limited time great job and congrats

Audio is 11/10

The DS layout is a welcome surprise. Very nice use of the theme but it needs some negative consequences for sure. Good game and submission

How fun and simple. Could've used easy mode for my slow typer self. Great submission

Wow nailed the theme. I was actively engaged but after I lost I felt empty. Great job.

Also thank you for including me in your family, not your company.

One thing, The difficulty should be swapped. Citizen should be nearly impossible to do while CFO can basically do whatever they want and be fine to reflect how it really works lol.

But seriously I like this and these type of games where you reference other documents. Well done, great submission.

I am on Windows

What a simple concept and a different direction for the theme that I never thought about while brainstorming. Using stressful situations as the least fun instead of boring situations which so many others including myself took.

I really enjoyed this and couldn't beat it but got within about 15 seconds many times. The heartrate definitely adds to the stress level. Great submission!

Yo... stack of papers got hands though

Same problem

I also got stuck on the sink as soon as I finished

I really love the art for this one. The way the character's outline blends with the wall is very nice. Also I have destroyed the IRS

Very hard. but I made it the other side nonetheless. I don't think I could replicate it if I wanted to.

(3 edits)

Thank you, I hope it was the least fun thing you've done today

I clicked outside the game screen and it did that.