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Diego Ramírez

A member registered Sep 12, 2017 · View creator page →

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Esta demasiado buena la iniciativa y definitivamente quiero ver como va creciendo, pero porfavor, saquenlo sin necesidad de vr, y para la version de vr agreguen movimiento teletransportandose, hay gente (como yo xd) que se marea con movimiento continuo.

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Si, dale nomas tambien quiero mantener el contacto  :))

en twitter e insta me llamo @_plieguito_

twitter es mas sobre gamedev y memes xD e insta es mas de dibujos

Ooh muchas gracias <3, y gracias por el feedback y si, GO CHIMP.
Y la raja que hayas encontrado el podcast ojala te guste y lo recomiendes xD.

Tienes twitter o alguna red social donde pueda seguirte (ademas de youtube)?

i love the mechanics, very addictive

nice idea, and good look

I really love this game concept, everything is awesome. the art, the music, the idea

i like the look of the game and i like this meme, so its a good match

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Thanks <33, i like your game too

oh good to much random, good concept

Very fun game, i like  shoot  things in general , so this is my kind of game

thanks men <3

the link to the game is in the description

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Amazing Idea, love the visuals and killing enemies is quite satisfying

The idea is very good, pls do more levels

I like too much the idea

thank you very much, I worry a lot about the control of the player ;)

Good Game