Fun game that really make you FEEL like a bird. Too bad I’m such a really drunk one at that. The controls are pretty difficult to grasp. Still fun to fool around and a nice concept.
PoorPockets McNewHold
Recent community posts
I quite like it, and it works flawlessly on Linux via monado (Haven’t tried with SteamVR). Tested on a Valve Index.
However, a couple of points to note :
- AAAAH MY EARS obviously but outside of that, since volume settings were said to be added, don’t have song preview, just play by default when idling. I didn’t explicitly select any songs in my downloaded list when scrolling BeatSaver, but every time one of the songs finishes downloading, the song in the default position (top one by default) plays its preview.
- The selection boxes are a bit flawed, on the Linux build at least. The selection for the saber types still click the buttons under it when overflowing when showing the other saber options. The color pickers don’t have a close option, which makes it especially difficult to use when it over the apply button.
- Doesn’t seem to have any pause buttons. It would be pretty essential.
GPL2 (Previous original repo, which according to some was a more recent version of the re-uploaded source-code Pull request available from this repo too
No, of course. The Krotchy and Kunny mascots aren’t considered as NSFW, even if their appearance is suggestive. It’s mainly in case of more graphic depiction of gore (Outside the unrealistic cartoon usage. More an issue with very extreme gore, or realistic ones), nudity and pornographic explicit content, and life-threatening content (Epilepsy, loud noises, screamers, psychologically shocking content). We know that the original games in the Postal Series aren’t really for the public of all ages, so we would rather not restrict people from doing family-friendly games. We expect people to use their common sense to not go overboard with it.