Thanks for the compliment and the criticism!
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Really enjoyed it!
I discovered today that i am bad at precision minigames.
The story is neat, and the shopping list text gives big personality to the game.
If i were to complain, it would mostly be nitpicking, like:
- shelfs dont getting empty upon picking up items (which i totally understand, due to time save)
- some items not being properly centered, making it frustrating to aim.
Glad to have your feedback!
I didn't know about this bug, i guess we simply got accustumed to this janky way of dashing naturally, but good to know, now that you said it I finally undestand why my dash failed seemingly at random sometimes.
I hope we created something enjoyable, and will continue to try and create games coming forward :)
Totally agree with you, we planned to try and create some very cyclic ambience music, it was just fitting, blood pumping, air currents, Idk.
It would really help setting a tone, even better, could be used to make the player feel small, with "BIG" sounds in the distance.
Anyway our musician and sfx artist got lazy.
Thanks for stopping by :)
Ah, thanks for the feedback!
This is a difficult part of game development without proper playtesting, sometimes you just assume the player knows where to go and what to do.
With the lunge, you can eat the disconnected pieces of flesh in the ground, taking you to the next area.
I'll probably add something to the description implying this.