i like how percise and inpercise ðe controls feel if ðat makes any sence
fun bit hard to read what to do.
i like ðe idea. i wish i gotta harder sooner.
i like it. i like ðe backround objects and ðe block mangment
game crashed when i died. i played on hard mode. hard mode you say i mean track pad mode.
i cant play ðe game dosent scale . ui donst work for me
i can't read ðe text. cool idea
very good ending. did fall þrough ðe floor þough.
would like a run button ðats about it
if ðe movement is supossed to be like it is þan it just needs to be a bit less spiny. if it not ment to spine freeze ðe z
i like trains. i don't see how ðis would be fun for a long time after you make a rail from each place to athor ðeres no point in building more rail lines or changing ðem
very fun. ðe room selting was ðe only part ðat was anoying part.
the camre i can't see ahead of me.