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A member registered Apr 11, 2022

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I was messing around in sandbox in 0.8.0 and i just found this moving around and then after 3 minutes it just vanished out of thin air. 

I have no idea what this is

i Just found out its actually able to shoot these strange white beams

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isnt the satellite dish array located in a national park? so logically it would be illegal to chop down the trees.

You probably have a gpu that doesn't support D3D11 unfortunately

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I need some help on with the burgers

I cant find the one under the bridge it just isnt there same for the one in the grass near the base and idk where the 3rd one is prob the server one which i also cant find

so i only have found 18

how do i prevent things from unnailing themselves when i reload a save it only happens with certain things

(3 edits)

I just noticed that the wrecked car from the ufo event has the ASO logo  on its door is this lore related or smthing?

Theres also a torn up ASO logo on the shredded spare tire cover.

It might mean That the Greys discovered earth and had a little visit before the arirals did? I Dont know.

Also the gibs are definitely the occupant of the vehicle but i have no idea when this car wreck happened but its probably the Greys Who caused this wreck because of the Straight up Shredded Corpse and Damage to the vehicle and the fact that the Greys just dropped it on our lawn

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you can get the nvg in sandbox but you have to reach day 47 in your story mode save and you will get an achievement which will unlock tons of things in your spawn menu including the nvg goggles

i got it out! i used my broomba to collect it and that worked so yay i guess.

a curtain has somehow clipped halfway into my floor are there any tips on getting it out

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i got the printer working! i just had to make another hexagon in blender and add the UCX_ thing

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Can i have some help with white argemia the 3d printer doesnt want to cooperate

did i mess something up in blender? because i used the turtorial from three cats in a raincoat

i also need a gold bar for golden argemia and with my luck theres no way of getting one without needing help


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UPDATE: i got it! i found a tutorial on the voices of the void reddit you just gotta put 12 shrimp packs in the pool in the central room and blow them up.

Collection update:

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Can i have some tips on where to put the 12 shrimp packs to get cyan argemia,  im planning on getting it and i dont know the specific location to place the shrimp

also when i try to print the hexagon for white argemia it just says "no  collision geometry detected" and "error importing the model"

i need a bit of help with this i guess

oh well i dont wanna risk it, and the reason i aksed this question is because i missed a few events because i accidentally started on day 23

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Does setting the days backwards on your save break anything cuz im stuck on day 49 and it wont change + its always monday.

thx for the help!

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Posters  do not work with jpegs

i dont know why 

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ok well they are not a problem anymore cuz the big pyramid dude zapped them away

another question  is the rendering glitch showing the wisps true face or is it just a placeholder wisp face

also i cant find the air rune slab its not on the pylon, i checked every transformer too

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they appear when you approach the obelisk and return to your base according to my experience, you might see one passing by your base. they glow like wisps but look like three dots arranged into a face 2 dots on top like eyes and one dot on the bottom like a mouth

they are also capable of destroying your omega kerfur,

  the strange wisp looks like this: O           O


What Are these weird face looking wisps and are they dangerous ?(there is no info on them in the wiki)

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i have  i7 and  gtx 1660 super plus 32gb of ram, i also tried regenerating data.sav and that didn't work still no signal loads on the terminal.

also this bug only happened recently, before it was fine 

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so what is happening is i ping a signal the satellite dishes do there thing and nothing happens, no signal, nothing on the terminal the servers are fine etc. whats happening?

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signals wont load when the satellites point to the signal help pls

my fastest was 7:31


did it in 29:12

i cant use this application because its a .RAR and i cant afford WinZip so its unusable please change the file type if possible