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Poulet Roti

A member registered Feb 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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Great game, short and sweet as always, easy to understand even without any text! Liked the cute little interactions with the environment and the last sequence👍

Oh, interesting theme! These are words of great wisdom and you're totally right about that🧙‍♂️

Thank you very much and yeah, pround of finally posting them online rather than keep them for myself (Thanks Ash for that!)

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Oh you're working on a jam game? Nice, what is the theme? Yeah focus on that and just let your ideas florish for this games, maybe you'll go back to it like you did before, and each new small update will bring you closer to completion!

No need to thanks me, I really enjoy what you do and talking to you from time to time is super nice, so if my encouragment can help you even a little, I'm happy😁. It definitely can be tricky, haha! How many of my projects never saw the light of day? Too many to count🙃

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that but a lack of inspiration/motivation happens to the best 😉

I'm not an expert, far from it, but perhaps during your break, try to take a good old sheet of paper and categorize and visualize your ideas (characters, important places...) and write a beginning, the main events and an ending, just a line or two to get a idea of how the game will unfolds. it might help you to work on something other than a computer.

I can definitely understand that! Yes I'm sure it must demand a lot of dedication, experimentation and die&retry to progress in this game but I'm sure you can do it, I have faith in you💪.  Also I'm sure that even in Kenshi's cruel world, no one would want to hurt a pancake! 

Haha, but it's not our fault, I blame time itself! When you're bored, time goes in slowmotion but when you do something you like or you're invested in... it just fly by, that's not fair in my book😫

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Yes 😎

I think I watched an Obscure playthough a long time ago, it has coop right? Yes, Kenshi does looks like a really in-depth game, but it must be super satisfying when you finally understand how it work and finally manage to progress without dying horribly.

Yeah it was around that time👀 But when I saw that you'd replied, I really wanted to reply back before falling asleep haha...

Haha! Yeah, you're definitely right about that!

For Quest Master, there is a demo available if you ever want to test it out, the devs also annonced a complete overworld/campaign editor as an update after the full version is released, really hyped about that. Yes games with level editor are awesome, and they are even better when they are fun and easy to use, almost feeling like a game in itself🤩

I haven't played either one but I heard a lot of good things about Kenshi, even though it seems really unforgiving💀 Well, it happens, but one day, out of the blue, they'll maybe become you're new addiction!

Its going alright I guess but it's harder than I thought haha! Can't help myself but to brainstorm ideas for my next project😛

Well I bought Quest Master which just came out a few days ago in early access on Steam, its like a Mario Maker but for creating Zelda type dungeons. Pretty fun, love the art style and the music! Also recently played through Minami Lane,  my god this game is so cute! What about you, any cool games or suggestions? 

Congratulations on reaching v0.1 (I'm a bit late but hey)🎉. Super happy to see this game growing one update after another!

I'm in love with your pixel art work, the castle looks so good and colorful, the tiles have a retro feels to them that I find really charming! On top of that, the new queen looks GORGOUS and really charismatic, I like her already😁 I don't know if this was intentionnal or not but the guard saying "Being a royal guard is really boring" still have the interaction with the previous queen.

One of the new companions seems strangely familiar🤔 Thanks for that easter egg, it was super cute!

Love these small updates, its like an advent calendar where each day I get a surprise (speaking of christmas, thanks santa for the items!)🎅

The pixel art looks great and I like the fact that I can beat up bandits in the camp are you going to try to make simple a custom battle system like a bump system?

Awesome job!👍

Thank you so much for playing!

Thank you for playing and good job for making it to the end👍

I'm happy that you enjoyed this little game, thank you very much for playing and for this super nice comment😊. Good luck with your game!

Also, thank you for the donation, it's super sweet of you and I really appreciate the gesture🤗

So many twists!! The savior becoming the kidnapper was a great one!

While, I admit, the box was really cute, I think I fell in love with these green flying monsters, I need to adopt one of them🤩

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Just played it, the voices were soo cute, haha😊

Good job and I'm glad you're going to continue working on this game👍

That was actually quite relaxing and surreal! Playing as a box of cereal, living in a milk carton that eat cereal...! Where do you find these ideas, I love them!

If you think about it, wouldn't that be considered cannibalism?👀 Noo... look at its cute smile😀

Thanks you for this super cute font that I bought a while ago, I used it in my latest game and credited you in it.

Thank again!

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Super happy that you enjoyed it!

Ouch, glad you were able to fix that by just redownloading the game. Sadly I can't do anything about that since this is part of RPG in a Box.

Oh yeah didn't think about that, I see! And yes you're right. Yes with a bit practice and determination we always achieve what we want, so keep writing! Also goofy dialogue/story can make for a charming game in the end!

You got me, so if you want to help me I can share with you some of my ego (thats work right...?) so we can say together that our games are not so popular because the others are jealous of our incredible talents! And I wouldn't feel alone anymore🙃

FOCUS! No more pancakes growing on trees, they can wait! It's all about dungeon crawling🧙‍♂️ and spooky horror👻 for now!

Happy to hear that😊

Awesome that you were able to express yourself through this game, and even better that it helped you in the end. Never stop making game my friend!

Cute!! Thanks for sharing your garden and for playing!

Another one I have to play! I see, you kind of let your imagination and the ideas that come from it guide you, it's amazing actually! Your brain must be full of ideas! Well for me, it help me a bunch to write the outline on how the game will works and to draw some crappy doodles on paper (my desk is full of them!!) before opening an engine. I'm not really a story/plot guy so it always come naturally (if there is a one😁) once everything is taking shape in my mind and in the game itself.

I will, do not worry! Noo don't look, nothing to see here, my ego is perfectly fine (FeEd mE MoRE cOMpLiMeNTs)🙄

Oooh a farming game about pancakes? That's actually sound like a tasty idea lol, growing different kind of delicious pancakes, but the biggest question... will they grow on trees or in the ground? Maybe both depending on the pancake?🤔

One word... wow (does that even count as a word?), this hits too close to home!

That was really amazing, you did a fantastic job protraying a despressing mind, where everything is difficult, even the everyday tasks. I also think the simple color palette also reflect a monotonouss life very well, where every day looks and feels the same. The use of light and the music was pretty nice too!


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Yees, cuteness overload! Since they will be voice actings, I guess the story will be rather important? Oh and I don't know if I previously (in our other 1.000 comments from the previous thread) asked you how you design your games. By that I means what the first thing that come to mind when thinking about creating a game? And do you prefers to start creating directly in a game engine or rather write down first on paper the main mechanics, the story, etc? I think it's always interesting to see how each individual's brain work when working on something😋

But I have to, I was destined to do that. More pancakes... always more! I downloaded three of your games, including  Feels Like Anxiety, and will definitely play them today! Haha, there's room before my ego becomes oversized but it's always good to hear that, so thank you again for the kind words😘

I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it! I'm sure you will design a delicious garden🥞

Thank you for your nice comment! RPG in a Box is a really great and versatile engine!

Thank you for the music, they are really nice and soothing! I used some of them in my latest game and credited you.

Thanks again!

Yes definitely, and the default assets are so cute, my god look at the characters! Can't wait to see... or rather hear that, I really like the idea! Mmmh, I wonder which YouTuber you're talking about...🤔😁 That actually could be really fun!!

I might try this prototype myself while waiting for an update to get into the spirit! I have so many games of yours I still need to play, haha! But one day I'll conquer them all!!

Oh yeah that could be cool and a nice twist to the relaxing farming sim! Lol, well I really like this engine, you can create so many type of games with it, its incredible... and the fact it was made by only one person is even more incredible! Thank you so much that means the world to me, really🤗

Alright, SGB such a nice and cozy engine! You said you were gonna do some voice acting for it? That's really interesting since not a lot of games using these engines have them! Oooh I'm already spooked just thinking about it👻 Did you made the graphics yourselfs for FLA? This handrawn artstyle was amazing and super atmospheric! Once my game is published, definitely gonna check out SPECTRA!

Haha no worries, no horror to see here, promise🤞 Yes RPG in a Box again, I love it but I also really want to go back to either SGB or one of the RPG Maker one day or another, it's been too long! Haha, I took some will playtesting, killing two birds with one stone!

I hope I'll be used to it like you one day, if I ever get a game library as big as yours!

Nice for the dungeon crawler, you have an engine in mind? Oouh I watched AmalgamAsh played Feels Like Anxiety a while ago and I remember loving the art style and the bizarre atmopshere! Count me in, I'm excited, always ready for an atmospheric/horror game! Haven't played SPECTRA yet, I'll add it to my to do list📝

Well it's a pretty simple farming game where you plant/harvest crops and decorate a little garden, kind of relaxing I think👨‍🌾 I just have to test it a bit and take some screenshots for the itch.io page and I think I'm ready to finally post it! Do you also feel a little stressed before posting a game? Because I do right now haha!!

Everything's fine, thank you very much! Yeah and almost finished actually but after this one it will be my turn to take a short break haha!

I'm eager to see what your next game will be! Is your brainstorming going well? Are the ideas flowing🤯

Happy to see you back👋

I glad to hear that this little break has been beneficial for you!

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Thank you for playing my game and for sharing your video, it was great to watch you play and I hope you enjoyed it!

Oh merci beaucoup, ton commentaire m'a fait chaud au coeur😻

Je suis ravi que ce petit jeu t'ait plu!

Thank you for playing it and for recording your gameplay, I really enjoyed watching it!

Thanks for the info and don't worry, do what you love the most, that's the most important thing!

I personally enjoyed playing your latest game and I'm eager to see what you have in store for the future!

This was the most heartbreaking and mindblowing game I played! Really complexe story and lore with many twists (and explosions!), deep characters arcs and a powerful message at the end!

Thank you so much for this life changing experience and can't wait for the sequel to see how Barry will do as mayor😁

Really fun game! The combat system works really well! You have solid fundation to develop it even further!

Thank you so much for playing my short game and for posting this really nice comment! I'm really happy that you enjoyed this small experience🤗

Wow, thank you so much for your nice comment. I'm really happy you enjoyed this short experience and it inspired you!