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A member registered Feb 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Sorry for the late response. Most my updates are getting posted on my discord server, which is patron only ATM. I rarely look on or patreon. There is a second level (the cave, with new tiles n stuff), with some new enemies (slime,rat,batgirl), but there is no new version yet. Many things are not working as I want them to and some animations are not finished.

I like the phrase "Too much to handle".

Im thinking about, how I can make the sub
play style as pacifistic as possible, but going through a dungeon crawler without violence... "x3

I mean, if I find easy ways to do this, I would consider it, otherwise it would be to much extra work for now.

(1 edit)

You are doing it right! Not all enemy's have an animation and a "DÖHDÖH" sound should happen, when u grab one, that has no animation for now. Just keep trying, maybe u just missed the right moment, or enemy.

Good luck!

I love the work, like I love the feedback. Those things make me keep it up, thanks for that! :>

IM AWESOME!!!!!11 "x3

Im interested to get the game to as many platforms as possible
and will also try to get this done before the game is finished.

My next target is HTML5, so people can play it in a browser. If the mobile device can play HTML5 games in a browser, this should do it for some people already.

Well for some reason my game freezes in HTML5 and only the music continues...

Also I need to buy different licenses for GameMaker to export the game to different platforms like android/ios/xbox etc.

But when the support grows and the game runs in a browsers, I will export it to mobile platforms to.

That's a good question.

The thing is, that the player did not beat the enemy in any way, so they are still there.
But u gave me a good idea. I will make a passive ability that does exactly that. Something in the sub skill making the enemy so exhausted, that they can't continue fighting. So that they lay around or disappear or something like that.

Now I just need a lewd name for that skill...

Im glad UMadeThisToAskMoreQuestions in the end. :3

There is not really a list of fetishes for the game. I will try to keep it 50/50 with male/female, but there will also be some other's like gynomorph, tentacle monsters or machines. I guess there will be at least one straight anal scene and more DP scenes.(Also because I need oral scenes for some abilities)

I will do more active abilities, but not more than the passive ones. Don't get me wrong, I have plenty of ideas for active abilities, but they are not all easy to make.
Not just the ability itself but also all the erotic scenes, they will trigger.

Yep and another weasel lover. It is decided then, I'll make a similar beauty for the next lvl. Not a weasel tho, just a strong, fearless, eager girl. ¦3

I'm not mad! hehe... No need to feel sorry. I wrote everywhere that I want feedback and can take it. Even if I worry too much sometimes, it feels like a good kind of worry when it's because of my game.

The armor thing is weird. I will try to reproduce the issue.

Exploring the dungeon will get more rewarding in the future. I have already implemented special and super special rooms, they are like the secret and super secret rooms in binding of isaac, but right now they just look like normal rooms.
In the future there will be some funny/lewd scenes or power ups and stuff.

I'm open to all ideas and dont worry if it sounds demanding, all ideas/suggestion do in some way, but no one can demand anything, it's my game. :P

There will be other abilities in the future that cause erotic scenes to happen. Maybe they will be useable on heatballed enemy's.

I wished you some wonderful days already, that should do it. ^^

Im glad you enjoyed her! ¦3

Thank you for all that feedback, I love honest feedback!

I will try to answer to everything you pointed out.

Some of the sprites are much older than others, so yeah they don't look that amazing. Maybe I will use some "free to use" tile sets in the future, to also save some time. I will not rework them ATM, because I'm focusing on new content first.

Enemy's can only be toppled when they are stunned, same goes for the protagonist. The lizard archer can't topple the player and the four-legged lizard can't be toppled right now, because the animations aren't done.
If you try to, they should give u a sound instead, like in legend of Zelda when something doesn't work.

The hit box of the sword attack goes pixel perfect on the sword and swing sprites and it should be possible to hit multiple enemy's at once with it.
Its intended that the swing goes also a bit to the top, when attacking left or right.

The heatball ability should not be cast while in erotic animations or menus.

Oh to make it clear, everywhere, where I write "it should"
or "shouldn't it should not.." I will look into again, to make sure it works correctly.

It should not be possible to farm exp from the weasel, because every time they topple the player, he gets damage. But I guess not enough, especially not when they're still plenty heal items left. (or he get's no damage for...>.<")
I didn't think that through annnd think I will implement a limit of sub/dom skill points, that can be received from every type of enemy.

It would definitely be cool to have threesome's with heatballed enemy's, but that would multiply the sprite animation work in crazy numbers and I'm focusing more on new enemy and levels.

Thanks again, for the huge feedback, it helped in many ways and I wish you some wonderful days to!


just played through the public build last night and want to give some feedback.

I think I got the most scenes and enjoyed the arts and story.
Unfortunately there are a lot of spelling errors. My English is not great at all, so there are even more I guess.
It gets distracting and can kill the mood for some people.
Everything was understandable so it wasn't that bad for me.
I made some screenshots of the spelling errors, but got tired of it the half way through.
I can send you them via mail or discord if you're interested.

Also I found a bug in an erotic scene, it stated: Image 'sex mr_friendly2_4' not found. (thats the image attached below)
The file is inside the image folder of the game, so it's maybe a coding issue.

The light blue text in the preference menu is hard to read on some spots, due to the background having a similar color in some places.
The preferences itself worked fine.

What I missed was a gallery to review the scenes or check what or where I missed something, maybe u already got that planed, because most VN have that, just a reminder.

Overall this VN made a great start. What I like the most about this VN, is that you let the supporters take such a big influence in the project, by letting them insert they're own characters and dialog. This will end in a huge and wild variety of styles and fetishes, which matches the story perfectly.
This also inspired me, for some ideas in my own project, so thanks for that! ¦3

The game is already a success! Keep up the good work and make it bigger!

YaY! :3

Holy s*** this look's to good to be true, Im gonna check it out right away.

Thanks! I do need all advertising I can get. ^^

Im also excited to test out your VN. I like those and It seems, that I already played all the others :<

Not so lazy, are you? Thanks for responding here. I hope I can get the controller thing fixed soon.

Oh I love honest critique and thank you for thinking so much about it and writing it down. I will say something to everything you mentioned, so prepare for a looong response...

The lizard tongue attack.... Trust me, I suffered the most from it and changed the behavior a few times. This is a balancing thing, where I don't put so much focus on atm, because everything can still change like the player movement speed for example, a bit faster and the tongue attack is a joke, a bit slower and it's unavoidable, right now it is doable. When everything in the first floor is done, I will polish the balancing, because then I know what abilities are obtainable and what options do the player have to counter those "pain in the ass" tongue attack's. Having them stun the player, is a good idea. Yes I think I will implement that for the next version. Maybe you made it worse... ^^"

An ability like block or roll is already planed for the neutral skill tree, and you can already block some projectiles with the sword.

Yep the lizard-archer stun is to short and it will be longer in the next version.

Diagonal attacking and moving is something I would like to have already done by now, but what hindered me is the sprite work that needs to be done for it, but it will come.

A skip button is also a good idea, will be done.

The sex scenes have weird timers that need to pass,for the continue function to work, I coded some crap together there... To be honest, Im happy that they don't crash anymore or loop endlessly. They will be polished soon, because Im better now, yay!

Cheats to unlock the gallery?! This is something you need to work hard for, at least with downloading the save file from another website!

Maybe I will add some funny cheats, or a cheat version for patrons with a little advantage.

The thirst for more games like Thirstchasm, inspired me to do this in the first place.

The porn is not supposed to discourage the player, but I know what you mean. There are many games, where u have to lose to every enemy, to see every scene with game over screens and so on... It is.. super annoying in hard games.

The porn you get in my game will depend in your playstyle, so if you go the submissive way, getting toppled will give you more and more benefits, but dominating enemy's will get harder and harder and the other way around. This will give the game more replay value.

Oh and prethzy is a wolf with a cat's tail. This will all come more clear when I get the story done.

Thanks for the feedback, it helped me to think about some new things or rethink the old things.

You may pet your own shoulder now.

Gamemaker seems to pick something at random if the key isn't bind yet, for me its always key number 2.

It should all be fixed now. The new version is up and I also added an acknowledging sound for the save button.  :>

Thanks for the bug report, I will look into it.

Yup, the main reason, Im doing the game like this is, because the most erotic action games are jump & rum platformer or RPG's. They are great, but I enjoy games with a high replay value much more, especially when it comes to erotic games. I wish I had a randomizer for those, like this

Im happy that you are happy about it! :3

PS: Sharpest Dungeon 0.4.17 is out, click here.

YES! Thanks, that makes me super happy. I had some problems with GM2 and getting it to work in a browser through HTML5, but the next version should be done in next month.

(1 edit)

Hey! Thanks for your feedback, I fixed the crash, but the lightning balls are now going through walls sometimes. I will fix this tomorrow. Im glad you enjoyed it so far. :3

I was uploading a new version, with some bug fixes, it should work now.
Have fun!

I fixed the flickering, that happened on some systems. Please try the new version.

I found the bug that caused the flickering and wrong controls. You can download the new file and everything should work normally. If the issue persist please go into C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Sharpest_Dungeon  and delete the settings.ini file.

Also added traps,  some new tiles and different sprites for boarder walls and pillars.

There was  a bug, that put all key bindings onto one key, when you start the game for the first time, but this should be fixed. You can change the key bindings in the option menu, the arrow keys should always work, for the main menu to navigate. The character should only flicker, when he gets hit, that's the hurtflashing, to show that he got damaged. Right now, I have no idea what causes the flickering of the whole game & mini map, the problem is, that I can't reproduce and debug the issue, because it doesn't happen on the devices me & friends are using. Maybe leaving fullscreen with alt+return helps. I will upload a new version, in a few days, where I changed how the game handles the view, that follows the player around, also some new wall tiles & traps, maybe this fixes the issue. Thanks for your feedback!

Thx for your feedback and helping me out here. Uploading the raw files is a good idea.

The game was made on the old GameMaker version 1.4, I will switch to GameMaker 2 soon and hope that this will magically fix the issue, because I have no idea why it detects it as a Trojan virus. For now, I will upload the game files as well, to let the people decide what to download. Hope this fixes it for you.

Sorry to hear that, Im using Win7 on PC and laptop as well and can't reproduce the issue. Can you tell me what graphic card you're using? You could also try to play it in window mode or re enter fullscreen afterwards with ALT+Return, maybe this fixes the issue.