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A member registered Aug 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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i will

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the aiming with the moouse i changed exactly because this way  is easier to me haha, and i hate having to take a step to a side i want to shoot, i want to be able to walk back and shoot without having to walk forward again, makes dashing back and insta shooting a lot easier and precise to not get hit. I played yours(chroma) just in the beginning of the jam, i really liked the color mechanic

thanks! I'll play yours for sure

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about the controls, i was never a platformer player, i was a hardcore player, mmos, fpses stuff like that and top-downs are my passion. Therefore aiming with the directionals on pc in platformers always made me really mad that i couldnt kite back and shoot at the same time, so i changed it hahaha

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Thanks for playing it, i guess you were one of the few that got to the boss hahah. Ye i know it has a lot of stuff to improve, a lot of the stuff you said i did planned on doing it, but i couldnt do in time, i fixed major boss bugs 40min before submission ended, the first shield encounter a tester friend said the same, and i forgot ;(. But thanks for playing it and commenting about it, thats why i got into the gamejam, its my first project and i wanted people saying stuff like that.  obs: im gonna play yours tomorrow, i dont know if i already did.

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hahaha its a hard game, but you've played on nightmare mode without it

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thanks for playing it! I actually played emily's adventure a few days ago haha. I watched your video, you just completely forgot to use the core mechanic haha " The Dash", just like in emily's adventure, but u can dash through enemies, and any incoming damage.

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thanks for playing it and commenting about it! i tried to put as much action feedback as i could, but still i couldn't make everything i wanted in time, so i focused in at least making the 3 levels playable and  fix as many bugs in time to submit to the jam haha. The dust and step sounds is a thing i said i was gonna add since the begining, turns out i didnt lol

Really cool idea, and the sounds feel so good

really fun game bro hahaha

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thats my second jam, in the first i did with a team and 1 member took care of submissions. Do i need to submit something early? or can i just submit any time during the 31 days, when my game is ready?