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A jam submission

PleenView game page

Action Platformer
Submitted by PriniBR — 1 hour, 25 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
AUDIO | Did this game have great music or sound design?#1163.1003.100
IDEA | Was this game innovative, or did it use interesting mechanics?#1263.2003.200
MOOD | Did this game have atmosphere, or did it make you feel something?#1373.1003.100
FUN | Was this game satisfying to play or did it bring you joy?#1543.1003.100
VISUAL | Did this game have nice graphics, art or design?#1563.2003.200

Ranked from 10 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Let people know how long this project has been going, or share a bit of its history.
I started december 24th, 2020. Initially started to learn how to draw and animate pixel art, then the Jam opnened and i kept developing to submit to it

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This game was very fun to play! The controls/mechanics are interesting but after getting used to it, gameplay was very smooth. Personally, I think the GUI for this game is a bit underwhelming. Other than that, I liked the visual aspects, audio cues, and particle effects of the game. Fighting became strategic in the sense that I had to skillfully jump/kite back or just simply be patient and not run face first into 10 guys. You should explore more ways to approach the shooting mechanics, etc! Overall great job on the game! 

After i had understand the Controls i started to Enjoy the Game.

The Controls need a Tutorial haha.

The Visuals are Fine and look good for this Game.

Nice Work

Submitted (1 edit)

This was a cool game and the effects were really neat. 

I do think having mouse aim, but only in two directions is an interesting choice! 

I did really enjoy the game though 


Nice game with some cool methods of moving the player around. My main problem is I don't think there's any benefit to having the mouse control the shooting and aiming. Typically when that is the case it is because you have to be able to move and aim separately, but here you stop moving every time you shoot so I don't really see a point. If anything it just makes it harder to play.

I think it's cool how you shooting slows you down in the air, I think exploring how that mechanic can lead to interesting gameplay would be good.

Developer (2 edits)

the aiming with the moouse i changed exactly because this way  is easier to me haha, and i hate having to take a step to a side i want to shoot, i want to be able to walk back and shoot without having to walk forward again, makes dashing back and insta shooting a lot easier and precise to not get hit. I played yours(chroma) just in the beginning of the jam, i really liked the color mechanic

Submitted (1 edit)

Yeah for sure some, different strokes for different folks. Appreciate helping me out with my game btw, check it out again if you get a chance, there have been some updates so hopefully it won't be as hard as before lol.


i will


great game!! loved the artwork and i really like how polished the game!!!!

please check my game out too..thanks


thanks! I'll play yours for sure


This is a really polished game. You chose some unique and innovative gameplay controls, I like how you aim the mouse on either side of the npcs to control which direction you can shoot with. 

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

about the controls, i was never a platformer player, i was a hardcore player, mmos, fpses stuff like that and top-downs are my passion. Therefore aiming with the directionals on pc in platformers always made me really mad that i couldnt kite back and shoot at the same time, so i changed it hahaha


Hey really well done, there's alot in this game for such a short time.  I got to the Beholder on my 2nd attempt but I couldn't beat it, alot of its effects looked awesome though.  I especially like that enemies telegraph that they are going to attack, it was perfect for learning how to deal with each ones unique challenge.  I think maybe 1 more basic enemy would have been great to introduce before the mages, just because when you start encountering mages & shields it can be really tough to find an opening to attack, so maybe a simple enemy + mage would be a nicer introduction to dealing with multiple enemies before the more difficult groups.  Shooting didnt feel bad, but the way it stopped you felt slightly jarring, but jumping and dashing felt good.  I think it'd be cool if there were more combat options, like crouching and shooting, or if grenades stunned enemies. Just little things to give the player different ways to interact with situations, if you plan to keep working on it.  Also I'd consider reducing the size of the hitboxes abit, it felt like I hard to dash very early and only when there was alot of space behind the enemy.  There was a little bug with grenades, if you were standing still they throw in the direction you are facing instead of the mouse direction.  Overall great job!

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

Thanks for playing it, i guess you were one of the few that got to the boss hahah. Ye i know it has a lot of stuff to improve, a lot of the stuff you said i did planned on doing it, but i couldnt do in time, i fixed major boss bugs 40min before submission ended, the first shield encounter a tester friend said the same, and i forgot ;(. But thanks for playing it and commenting about it, thats why i got into the gamejam, its my first project and i wanted people saying stuff like that.  obs: im gonna play yours tomorrow, i dont know if i already did.


No problem, and I totally understand about limited time.  It's great you were able to identify what you needed to do to make a complete game too!  Also no pressure to play mine. 


Great game and nice setting! The music was really nice! I didnt come too far but find my video review below: 23:00 Pleen

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

thanks for playing it! I actually played emily's adventure a few days ago haha. I watched your video, you just completely forgot to use the core mechanic haha " The Dash", just like in emily's adventure, but u can dash through enemies, and any incoming damage.


Oh shit haha! I missed that!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

hahaha its a hard game, but you've played on nightmare mode without it


The art and effects were all great, and the sounds were all very fitting. If I had one suggestion, it would be to make the controls feel a bit more responsive, perhaps by making some kind of effect appear when shooting, or adding dust beneath the player's feet. These aren't real issues though, so nice work! The feedback effects were also quite nice

Developer (4 edits)

thanks for playing it and commenting about it! i tried to put as much action feedback as i could, but still i couldn't make everything i wanted in time, so i focused in at least making the 3 levels playable and  fix as many bugs in time to submit to the jam haha. The dust and step sounds is a thing i said i was gonna add since the begining, turns out i didnt lol