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Prof. Pixel

A member registered Jan 18, 2021

Recent community posts

Thanks for the feedback.  I think you honed in a couple of things we would have like to have fleshed out a bit more. Totally agree about the text size. Some of these features were our first rodeo and our first click and point style game. The whole thing was an exciting and stressful learning curve. But the spirit is there.

This is all useful critical feedback. I rather like your description a game of puzzle pieces falling under furniture. A fine description of alien surgery.

We are a mighty army of two! Thanks for checking out the game. All the comments are immensely helpful.

Very slick visuals. I really appreciate the CRT screen effect of a rounded TV screen. I also loved the colour pallet. Great contrast and lighting!

Good stuff

(1 edit)

That's some very useful and critical feedback. All good points. And yes, the Splack Jubles did have a little extra trickery when grabbing with the tongs. I wonder if there was one organ that squirms and is tricky to grab (by design) would add to the stress level. Very interesting idea with the generator.  We have a wish-list on the back burner so you never know. We're sincerely glad you enjoyed it.

You've also given us a few games to look to for inspiration. 

Thanks again!

Nothing makes losing a patient any easier...nothing. But that's why we became space surgeons, for the chance to give them time. Maybe its days, maybe its seconds. That's the surgeon's burden.

[Sadly sips martini]

That is some high praise indeed. Thank you so much. Having a hub of bustling alien convo was Merodakon's vision from the get go.

The pixel style tends to take on a life of it's own. I'm glad you like what shook out. The bacteria was going to be a constant nuisance so we wanted it to be visible. Tuns out some rainbow colours and a cheeky grin was just what it needed. I'm glad you enjoyed "the lord." Coming up with organs and fake history, honestly, is some of the most fun of making a game.

A bit of banter also goes a long way so it was coded to be random (hopefully feel more organic). But it was our first time working with text boxes. Besides some font and text sizes, the heart is there.

Thanks for the feed back!

Hello fellow gamers,

I just want to say that this game is a labour of love and we sincerely hope you enjoy(ed) partaking.

I focus on the pixel art, animations, and share duties on writing. I have detected one of my own typos with "you're" instead of "your." You may direct all grammar-nazi related grievances to me.

Sincerely, Prof. Pixel

Quality gameplay. Those zombies gave me real anxiety.