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The AK Code Guy

A member registered Oct 20, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thanks and yeah, I want to improve the movement system and add a sprint that works better.

I don’t know when, but I will try to make a demo mission. Right now gamedev is like a side hobby to me, so it might take a long time, unless if I get into a coding mood and power through a large chunk of the project quickly.

I will tell you if I have something. There are a few thing that I want to get into the game if I can, but still, I’m just one guy with a bit of free time.

I’ve made a short vid.

I’ve also made a discord if you want to know what’s happening.

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Where did you hear about Toxication? I gave up on that a long time ago and I’ve reused those assets for Bioglitch 2. (2 being the work tittle, it’s basically V2 of this) I’ve seen your other comment and if you’ve liked the realism in War Never Ends, you would probably like this new version as well.

Development is slow. Partially, because I didn’t think anyone cared. Bioglitch 2 has a gun modification system and the plan is to find a balance between tacticool, semi realistic combat and survival horror.

I can make some preview gifs or something if you want to take a look. A lot has changed.

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A crash has been reported between the two levels.
Did you see the credits or did it just exit/crash?


This reminded me of some old Burnout games.
Controls felt a little slippery, but was fun.

This was an "experience".
Got the perfect score for 3rd try!
Interestingly disturbing.
Good to know, that mine isn't the only horror game in the jam!

Thanks, but I still have no idea what happened.
Sounds like something random with a really small chance of happening.
I will have to look into the "move to second level" code.
The Bughunter returns!

This needs to become a full game!

(1 edit)

It never crashed for me.
Can you tell me where exactly that was and what OS you have?
I don't know how that could happen.
(Sorry about that!)

Thanks! It's only 6MB because I only use vertex color, so I don't need textures, also it's compressed.
It's like 13MB when you open the rar. It might get a proper ending in the future if I decide to turn it into a larger game.

Really laggy, but an interesting idea.
Networking is always a nightmare, so this is some good stuff for a jam game!

Here's mine:
Gonna rate yours when I do another rating run.

The level design was ok, it worked, but the polish was really noticeable.
It made the game feel like a finished product.

(1 edit)

It took me some time to get used to the slippery controls, but than it was good. The player always holding the AK in the right "hand" is a nice attention to detail. (in front of the player when looking right and behind when looking left)

Uhh. . .
Yeah, this was great!
It was short, but no complaints, everything was great and polished!

What the hell?!
This is barely controllable!!!
Just like it should be!
I had to listen to the Crashday OST when playing this. It went well with it!

I got 8 of the missing textures.


I'm not sure what this was, but I liked the sounds and the mixed up buttons was funny.

Is there anything other than "don't touch the sides"?

Pretty good overall, but could have been more fun with more FX. (better gun sounds, knock back, hit sounds, screen shake or anything that adds to game feel) Also, maybe a larger capacity for the gun could help, or maybe a weaker infinite ammo backup. (But the weapon was weak by default, so I don't know what an even weaker backup weapon would do.)

Simple, but interesting.
After I saw the cheat map and realized that most of the game is spent climbing, it reminded me of "Getting Over It".

This was great! Good puzzle mechanics and interesting gameplay. The only problem I've noticed is that the tutorial rooms are on the left and the player comes into the room from the right, first getting to the more advanced levels. It wasn't a problem for me, cause I' got the mechanics from the advanced levels, but as I've read it was a problem for others.

Just put the tutorials closer and the advanced levels farther!

Also, I've heard that your game is hard, but I got the mechanics quite quickly. It made me think, but it wasn't hard. I think you've also said, that no one has beaten your game yet, so here you go:

From the last level.
I'm not going to kill all those things again, I did it once.

Really interesting, good mechanics, not the most mind melting game I've ever played, but it did make me think.
Overall, this does everything it had to do.

Well done!
(Fix the level layout!)

Some type of score would have been nice, but other than that, it's great! First I died because I ran out of ammo, than I started to farm the ammo spawn as much as possible. This way I've died with 372 rounds, if that can be used as a  "score".

This could be expanded into a wave based survival shooter. Throw in some sentry guns and it could be a great tower defense endless survival!

Also, is the weapon based on the M41A Pulse Rifle?

Maybe a little late, but I'm gonna leave this here cause why not?

I've been programming with GameMaker for about 5 years now and I've always liked 3D games. That's why I've decided to switch to the 3D side of GM around 2 years ago. (And yes GM does do 3D, everyone's so shocked when they hear this for the first time.) For a long time I've been obsessed with military simulators like Operation Flashpoint and ARMA. This is good, except that making a mil-sim is really difficult if you want to include all the realism and complexity. This has resulted in many abandoned game projects.

Now I might have found my thing. Simple, surreal, horror shooters! I think this is my style, this is what I can do well. I've liked a lot of games in this style for example System Shock 2, so it all makes sense! I will definitely keep this in mind in the future.

Overall, this jam was great. I was able to get everything done that I've planned for and created a complete "short game". I've played a lot of entries and will play more before the week ends. Lots of great games and a create community!

Here's my link:

Before I post this.
I've tried different engines and have been trying to make games in different ways even before I've started to use GM, but I've never found anything else that would work for me. I will probably keep using GM until I'm ready to make my own engine one day in the future. I know that it's "not the best for 3D", but it gives me full control. Yes, I completely ignore the object system, the room system and basically everything that would make a developer's life easier. But this is how it's easier for me.
That's my style, that's how I get things done!

This was great!
Liked the puzzles and the atmosphere.

I've actually thought that it wasn't scary enough when testing, but that might be because I already knew everything.
Thanks, for the feedback!

More precisely, it was how I didn't really know what was going on, until the last line and than it just snapped.
"Ah, so that's what this thing is!" And that hit me like, man this is kind of sad. In an artistic way or something.

Well, this was, "interesting".
Simple, but not bad.
Maybe a little lacking in actual gameplay.

I think Jonas can make anything funny.
This was really fun for how simple it is.

Do I get anything out of collecting the circles?
Also, it's easy to exploit the system.

Short and simple, but not bad.
Works well with the topic and was kind of funny.

Simple and could be a great base for a game aimed at a young audience.

This was something that I cannot describe.
Really artistic, weird and interesting!
The ending surprised me and somehow made me a little sad, which I didn't expect.

I gave up after 96 deaths.
I really liked it, this is a great game!
It was fun until I've started loosing the rest of my sanity.

Not bad!
That bossfight was nice, but figuring out the correct pattern took me a long time.
(I've tried teleporting on top of the boss first, which sometimes worked, but mostly didn't.)
That fight reminded me of Dark Souls, difficult but fun.

Thanks! I've tried to keep it realistic mixed with a simple inventory system.

Some people compared it to Receiver. The idea is similar.
Make it real, make it difficult.
I'm also planning on not having a HUD (blue veins display your HP)
I will see how well that goes when I make some enemies.

After telling a player unit to fire you need to enter the number of the enemy you want to fire at.

If you couldn't shoot, that's because you need to enter a number between 0 and 9 for which enemy to target.
 Or say "target 1" for example with voice commands.