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A member registered Mar 19, 2024

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In world R5 once more:

For the Hybrid Curse while you have both positive real Brown and positive real Stained Glass Keys, how does it work while you are about to uncurse it? Does it require the Negative Stained Glass Keys to uncurse the Lock color of it and Negative Brown Keys (Or Negative Stained Glass Keys with Brown as Glitch color) uncurse the Spend color of the door separately and it works while you only have one of them, or does it require to have both Negative Stained Glass Keys and Negative Brown Keys to make the uncursing works?

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In world R5 again:

Can Stained Glass Keys turn doors to "Glitch" color? If it can, will it change colors like a Glitch door do after it got cursed to Glitch, or do they retain Glitch even after  a door of another color is opened?

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A solution that gains exactly 256 purple keys.

Pretty sure there are a few more solutions to do this.

OK. If it can re-curse a cursed door the fully-colored door immunity might not make sense but if it cannot re-curse them then that makes sense.

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In world R5:

Can Stained Glass Keys curse a door that is already cursed with another color?

Also, can Stained Glass Keys curse the door originally fully have the color of the Glitch? In Lockpick the Brown Keys can not curse the door that is originally fully Brown, despite I do not know is it intentional or not.

I got another weird idea in that post. It is an idea about door copies.

In the original game, Imaginary Doors do not use the "i" as lockhole to the doors that have more than 3 locks and simply shows the number, but it does shows the "i" lockholes despite the lock size in this editor.

For the Partial Blast Doors in world R3, there is a similar mechanic in GATEPASS (a game by Necoroneko, the developer of I Wanna KeyPick 100), which is a door with a circle with a part of them shadowed similar to a pie graph with a percentage text like "25%" above the door (similar to the "×2" text on a copied door in Lockpick), which costs a certain percentage of your keys when you touch them, but you can touch those doors with any keys (probably), and your keys will be rounded to an integer after it.

  • Tile textures
  • Keyboard Key binding
  • Key counters
  • Backgrounds

There are so many things to do.

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Updated an idea, Swap doors. That is what I guessed what do they do when I first saw the Bicolored Doors.

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In world R4 again:

Notably, Pure is not immune to these "dark" auras, just as it doesn't protect from the Red, Green, and Blue auras.

Can Ice, Mud and Ink keys open those Pure doors then? Or does they can not open a Pure door and require to remove those effects to let it become able to open again?

The Rainbow keys in the world R4 is so similar to the Brown keys, while the Brown keys are forced to use when you have them but not for Rainbow keys.

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There are many things I noticed in the first mega level:

  • Using Master keys on the very first two doors to skip toward the next section, and many other places that you have to master all of those doors on the way
  • Two Exact negative orange keys in a row while the second one is useless
  • Pink key trap while the total number of pink keys and doors are quite large
  • Negative Purple door that baits to flip using the flip key while there are still positive purple doors forward
  • A blast door is required to saved for the final brown key
  • and maybe more

With so many traps listed above, I think it is a very  counter-intuitive puzzle and is much harder than the second mega puzzle, Chromatic Monolith.

Here are some pictures of the levels that are very similar to a level in the game that I wanna Lockpick is inspired, I Wanna KeyPick .

For Lockpick 1-6:

For Lockpick 1-C:

For Lockpick 2-3:

For Lockpick 4-7 and 6-C:

For Lockpick 6-1:

For Lockpick 9-1:

"a little plus sign inside the circle part of the lockhole"

Sure if it is a normal real door, but how about a Blast door with Reverse Lockhole, which simple doubles your key amount if you have positive amount of keys, and imagine doors, which only have door sprites for 1i, 2i, and 3i doors?

Ok. About the

I think the Maroon Doors should be immune to Maroon effect and so on the other dark colors instead.

I was thought a Forest 5-door would become unable to open them in the "classical" way but I found they can be opened if you have at least 1 Green key so it cancels the Forest area with the difference rule. Sorry for this.

You will need at least 2 doors to do it. A door with 2 orange spend color and a buffer color that stores -2 keys from the 2 orange keys, then use that buffer color to give 2 orange keys.

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In World R4:

Red doors (and any door with Red on it, such as a Bicolored Door with a Red spending color or a Combo Door with at least one Red lock) are immune to the Maroon aura and vice versa, Green doors are immune to the Forest aura and vice versa, and Blue doors are immune to the Navy aura and vice versa.

I think this is not reliable because there are frozen red blank doors (and other blank doors of those aura colors) in the original Lockpick. I think the Maroon Doors should be immune to Maroon effect and so on the other dark colors instead.

That matches my very first idea in lol

Updated a new idea, thank for Balatro, a rouge-like card game.

I have a better idea for the Dark Auras in World R4

Rather than the key count of their counterpart, the aura effect simply checks the key count of its corresponding color, regardless of their countpart.

When you have neither 5 green keys and 5 forest keys, you do not have either of their effects.

When you have 5 green keys, you have the green aura effect, and when you have 5 forest keys, you have the dark green effect.

When you have both 5 green keys and 5  forest keys, they cancels out and like you have neither of them.

Fun fact: The pink/cyan lockholes was red/blue before, though I changed it into pink/cyan because the red lockholes look like spooky eyes.

The Star doors in World R7: Starry Seas, which is simple and fun.

Also, did you read my post too? LOTS of ideas - I Wanna Lockpick community -


They are all simple.

Solution 5, which opens two purple locks on the right

Here is the Solution 4, which does not rushing into the Green key.

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Since I can not upload it to the wiki due to I am not logged in, I upload it here, sorry!

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Here are LOTS of ideas I thought.

  1. Reverse lockholes: A door with pink lockholes that requires POSITIVE keys to open, but instead of SUBTRACTING the key of the following color it ADDS the key of the following color.
    1. Its negative variation is a door with cyan lockholes, which requires NEGATIVE keys and SUBTRACTS keys.
  2. Convert keys: A key object that convert all the key of one color to another. For example, picking a pink -> cyan Convert key while you have 2 pink keys and 3 cyan keys will make it become 0 pink keys and 5 cyan keys.
  3. Keepable keys and doors: A key or door that can be not interacted if a certain button is pressed. If it is a key the player can pass through without collecting it, while if it is a door it will not be opened and can blocks player.
  4.  Variable keys and doors: A key or door that can changes its key amount in a certain situation, or changes its color, or even appearing and disappearing, and many more.
    1. Its possibility is endless!
  5. Tricolored doors and doors of more colors: Similar to Bicolored doors, it will modify the key count of  ALL the colors in its outer border.
  6. Simple doors: A door that can only be opened if the key count of the following color is not a complex number. For example, a Simple door can be opened with 0, 3, -2, 5i or -1i keys, but not a complex number of keys like 1+2i.
    1. Its variation is Complex door, which can only be opened by a complex number of keys.
  7. Unstable Glitch keys: A new key type that can changes its color even after collected, and it will treads as the color of the last door opened.
  8. Dispel aura effect: A weird aura effect that make the affected doors cost nothing after opened. The base cost of the door itself still need to be afford before it can be opened.
  9. EDIT: 2024/07/13 Glass Doors: A door variant that has transparent looking, when you met its requirement, you break it as normal and cost your keys normally when you touch it, but if you do not met its requirement, you will break it without costing anything. For example, touching a Glass Orange 6 door when you have 6 or more Orange keys will open it normally and cost you 6 Orange keys, but if you have 5 or less Orange keys you will break it too and let your Orange keys unmodified.
    1. Those doors use the glass-breaking sound exists in I Wanna KeyPick 100, played when you open a door that costs negative number of keys.
  10. Silver Keys & Doors: A third key and door type that have glowing animation as Master (Gold) and Pure (Platinum) keys. The Silver Doors can be opened by Master Key charges but can not be cursed, as Master Doors can be cursed but can not be opened by Master Key charges, and Pure Doors can not become both.
  11. EDIT: 2025/01/11 Swap doors: A door with two colors similar to a Bicolored door, it requires you to have enough keys of the Lock color to be opened and when you open one, you cost the keys of the Lock color normally and gain the keys of same amount of the Swap color.
    1. For example, a Swap 6 door with Green as the Lock color and Red as the Swap color requires 6 Green keys to be opened, and it will cost 6 Green keys and gain 6 Red keys when opened.
  12. EDIT: 2025/01/17 Flip Keys: A new Key type that have an active use similar to Master Keys, when you use one on a door, its copies count will be signflipped. Negative Flip Keys does nothing but still get consumed. Imaginal Flip Key multiply the copies by -i and Negative Imaginal Flip Key multiply the copies by i. Doors with Flip or Pure parts are immune to it but Master is not immune to it.
    1. For example, on a door with 1+2i copies, using a Positive Real, Negative Real, Positive Imaginal and Negative Imaginal Flip Key on it will make it become -1-2i copies, 1+2i copies, 2-1i copies and -2+1i copies separately.

Also see: 

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Here is my opinion:

Main Worlds:

  1. 1-A: More Than Three Choices
  2. 2-D: Modular Shell
  3. 3-7: Odd Even Numbers
  4. 4-B: Mess Hall
  5. 5-B: Clutterspace!
  6. 6-10: Rainbow's Blessing
  7. 7-7: Supernova
  8. 8-A: Stable Loop
  9. 9-E: Signflip Master
  10. 10-10: The Toybox
  11. 11-A: Return of Operators
  12. 12-10: Bypass

Omega: Ω-19: The Problem

Part 2 Worlds (For solving):

  1. T1-5: Not What I Asked For
  2. T2-2: Corner Case
  3. T3-5: Straightforward Puzzle
  4. T4-3: Mastery Mystery

The three mega levels:

#1(Hardest): Kina's Masterpiece

#2: The Labyrinth

#3(Easiest): Chromatic Monolith

A very simple idea that involves a new Key type: Multiplying Key.

It can have a number shown like "×2", and when you pick it, your key of that color multiplies by the number.

For example, Picking a Multiplying Key with ×3 when you have 4 keys will make it become 12 keys.

Also, Square Key, which make the key count squared will be good too.