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A member registered Mar 21, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice Game ! I enjoyed playing it ! the first boss was the hardest one.
Also between fights maybe you could add some kind of shop or allow the player to pick an abilitie. Great job!

Amazing ! It fells really nice  playing the game, some hp indicator or at least some sound effects notifying you hit the boss or not.

Indeed, that would make the game soo much interesting, I will work on that .
Thank you !

That's an interesting approach, good game!

Thank you !
I would've like to make it a little bit different but I couldn't make it in less then 3 hours.

Haha, Really nice game !
I love the idea and the games seems to bee well polished !
Also the Jumpscare is is nice implemented.
Great job !

Nice idea, but the music is way too loud, you may want to give us the option to lower it or lower it yourself from the beggining. It's really amazing that you've tried to make the music yourself, I am studying how to make music as well, one recomandation is to watch a short introduction in music theory, nothing fancy and understand the progression.
Keep on doing the amazing work !

Haha, Such a lovely game

Haha, so nice but at the same time so hard, I really liked the idea.

Thank you, I appreciate!

Interesting idee, the only issue I have is that when charging for the jump the animation make me feel that the game is lagging, but I enjoyed the playing the game!

Thanks for the feedback, I will consider that.

It's the first time I coded a game with no tutorials :)

Thanks for the feedback, I will increase the time before the action takes place :)

It is too difficult, at least make the cooldown for shooting shorter, or instead of 4 enemies on the second wave make it 2 or 3

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Great job in making a rage game :)
I really like the mood of the game
Maybe make the rotation a bit slower?

Haha, I really like the mood of the game ! 

Really nice music.

Thanks, I did not have enough time to work on the cat but I hope you had a good time playing the game !

Right now I'm working  on another project, but I will consider that. Thank you for playing !

I wished there was more content, it was short but nice !

An animation for when sucking the blood would make it nicer.

(1 edit)

It looks really nice, I would've like it even more if it had  gameplay :'(

Short and nice, good job !