Hey Daniel this is super awesome. Literally. I'm in awe.
There's [redacted], is that legit or do we need to get the pitchforks out?
Hello! I don't think I'll be able to compile such a binary as I have a 2012 MacBook pro... Though I guess the build command would be pretty similar to the device ones. Also, TECHNICALLY it's against the simulator terms of use for me to recommend using it to run my stuff. Though I think this one would fall into a gray area cos it's really a development tool, not a game.
Hey there!
You're right in that a "pdx" is just a folder with a .pdx extension. The sideload site expects a zipped pdx folder, though.
To sideload the game to your playdate you can either use the sideload site, where you upload the zip (not the pdx itself), then download it from settings. OR, you can plug your playdate in and put the unzipped pdx on the device yourself - navigate to the games folder and drop it in there. I don't have my playdate on me so I can't give you the exact folder names, but that's the gist of it - if sideloading via play.date then use the zipped pdx; if sideloading via usb use the unzipped pdx.
Let me know if you're still having trouble!
Always happy to hear it. What you say is quite possible - I changed some of the data in there. The save data has a version number saved with it. If the version is greater, it's supposed to create a new save file, and copy over any new fields that exist now into the old save file. But I probably messed something up somewhere, or didn't update the save file version or something.
I'm getting several modules refusing to accept a clock signal, and complaining that the input requires a clock signal. I'll try and document a solid repro but the micro synth and pedal modules were two that were affected.
Also the midi keyboard module when operated with the A button never stopped playing.
Thanks for the great feedback Dom!
I am adding the following features in the next release:
That should make things a little easier in terms of searching for new combinations.
I will look into adding suggestions in the header in a future release (e.g. "How about trying to make 'Tonkotsu Ramen'?") which the player will be able to control in terms of frequency or just turn off.
I also want to figure a way to get the player to the clades screen from the main game, or suggest for them to go to the main menu so they can visit it. That screen is interesting to me, I wonder how helpful it is.
I originally had an idea to have a currency where you get more of it for creating elements and for squeezing them, and then you could use that to buy the hint ideas from the menu, but it seemed redundant after I made it so the player could just reveal them themselves. I'm not planning any other mechanics for late game, but one of the original ideas was to fill in parts of an animated scene as you progress, as a reward. That was how the clades viewer was supposed to be but there was no time to do the art, so I made it just orbit the clade members around the clade name.
Thanks so much for playing! I'm glad you liked my music - it's the first recorded music I've made in a very very long time. Can probably count the rest on one hand...
Some of the quotes are outrageously idiotic, some of them are completely irrelevant to the active word, and some of them I just liked. Some of them are from music I like.
I've been thinking about this a lot. It is the main reason I added the clades viewer. So you can see little sillhouettes of things that you haven't yet created that are related to what you've already found. But I couldn't find a way to make it accessible easily from the main game, so currently you have to go to the main menu to see it.
I also am planning a hint feature (which players can disable in the options menu) that suggests a discoverable element name in the ticker tape if the player hasn't made a discovery in X minutes, or every so often if their rate of discovery is lower than Y discoveries per minute.
The clades viewer was originally supposed to be full images or vignettes with the undiscovered elements as parts of the image, but that was too much work for the jam. I also kind of like the oribiting elements, it's pretty funny. But maybe less helpful / interesting to look at / rewarding.
Thanks dude!!!
Inverted screen sounds like a good shout... I did wonder if I should do that. I wonder if just having a black backdrop would work - all the icons are white outlined.
I have to say there currently is no "ending" beyond 100%ing all the clades. I need to do some fireworks or something... but not in the next 25 minutes. lol