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A member registered Mar 15, 2017 · View creator page →

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Well, at the beginning I had plans for the dating part but, as you can see, I'm not a great writter so I've put aside that idea.

At this point, I'm not having enough time and energy to devot to gamedev, sadly, but maybe in a future far far away lol

Not the marriage and free healing house, though, I don't want to change how healing works.

Thanks again for your input!

Oh yeah, I get you. I'll keep an eye out then.

Thanks for the reply, have a nice one!

Speaking of RPG Maker do you have a pack like this with RPG Maker format autotiles?

I intend to use in a traditional roguelike, for building  procedural neighborhoods, so I'm essentially looking for street and wall autotiles. That plus your characters and objects would make it perfect.

Ooh I see, I get it now.

I'll give it some though, thanks again for all the suggestions.

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What do you mean by "linked skills"? Can you elaborate?

Edit: Yes, I can make it paid to recruit but I'm not sure if it would be too hard. Considering that you already have to grind for EXP it could be too demanding to ask for gold too. On the other hand, people can always save the game before recruiting and then trying out the classes first... yeah, maybe I should do it lol

Yeah, I'll think some more about all these ideas and see what I come up with.

Again, thank you so much for your feedback and ideas!

(1 edit)

At first glance, I don't like the armor idea very much because the best way to play would be to always have at least one character using it at all times, even if it have low stats. I can see how this could be a solution for allowing the player to power level the weaker characters though. Maybe it could work if I make it into a single unique item that you can get if you complete some kind of endeavor, I'll put some thought on it.

The EXP item sounds quite interesting. I think it would fit well if it's some kind of rare consumable that only bosses will drop. Maybe every boss drops one of those so you can choose which character will consume it. Sounds nice.

I also want to think of another use for the items you can gather using tools. For now they are used only for concoctions, which is exclusive to Apothecary. Just not sure how, yet.

(5 edits)
  1. Yes I like that. Some portraits even look similar to each other, would be a nice.  The only problem is that I'm not sure I have the art needed for all classes, but I'll totally look into it.
  2. I think I understand the reason why you would want that but, at the same time, I believe that limitation is what encourages trying out different compositions and replayability. So at first it's not really something I want to do, but I have an idea to ease the exp grind.
  3. Not exactly different EXP rates for kills, but the solution I plan to implement to solve topic 2 is essentially adding an EXP bonus for clearing all monsters on the floor, and that bonus would change based on the average party level and the floor that was cleared. So I believe this will make it a bit easier if you bring under leveled characters to the dungeon. Now the healing points... at first I was going to add the healing platforms to each floor, but that took away the reason to go to the village and use the Inn. So I may have to think a bit more on this one, do you find yourself going back to town too often just to heal the party?

Thank you so much for your input!

Hey, thank you for reporting this.

I'm sorry I didn't fix it faster. As a matter of fact, for some reason I didn't get any notification from your comment, so I just missed it all this time.

I just published the fix, you can find more on this Devlog.


Oh woah, you're awesome!
Now shut up and take my money xD


Thank you.

Hey hey, glad it worked.
This is how we do things around here, light speed bug fix! :b

Have fun!

(3 edits)


Oh no, a wild bug appears oh noooo. Hahaha don't worry, we'll get you back running in no time!

I couldn't recreate your specific problem, but I implemented a couple highly probable fixes and prevention against this bug.
Please, be sure to backup your save files, you know, just in case (the "save" folder inside the "www" folder in the game directory).

Also, let me know if it worked and, if it didn't.

Oh, by the way, I'm glad you've been enjoying the game!


(1 edit)

Hi, do you have car sprites? Your pack is almost perfect for the game I want to make

Yes, they do!

Hey, thank you! I hope you enjoy it.
By the way, I just pushed a new build with fixes and some improvements!

Cool! I'm almost sure I checked the credits too back in the time.

Anyway, your art is great, keep it up! 

Well you're credited as the creator of the chipsets in the Wolf RPG Editor, thought they were the same :D

Finally! I loved the art in one way heroics

Thank you!

Hey, I just bought this pack but it lacks a license file. I'd like to know more about it.

Hey, thanks for the answer

Hey, I like your work!
Can you tell me which tiles have autotile format?

Good to know, I'll keep an eye :D

Great stuff!
If you happen to come up with an addon pack with more fantasy monsters and heroes, that'd be perfect for me ;]

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Hey, do you also have snow tiles? I couldn't find them.

Also, what's the licence?

Oh, I meant the Construct 2 plugin... but thanks anyway [:

Hey, do tou still have the rot.js plugin? If you don’t mind, you can send me a DM on Twitter: @biterkid.

I appreciate it!

Thank you for these words, it's really inspiring to read your comment.

I have some ideas to improve the log, like hiding it during dialogs, and maybe add some popup texts. Time will tell :D

Of course! You can use up to 16 letters to name the main character :b

Sim eu vi :D

Hehehe deve ser chato mesmo, ainda mais sendo tantos tiles assim.

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Aah bem da hora. Apesar de que eu prefiro o estilo de paredes original (seu), represetado por apenas um tile. 

Eu não estou usando no RPG Maker, mas vai ser bacana ter a opção.

Gostei bastante da sua arte, espero ver mais.

Boa sorte!

(1 edit)

Muito bom.

Ontem eu passei o dia todo editando os seus pacotes de arte passando para o formato do RPG Maker '-'

Parece que vou ter que editar mais ainda... (sigh) pelo menos vai valer a pena haha.

Se você quiser posso enviar meus edits, talvez ajude a concluir os outros pacotes em menos tempo.
Ah, só que eu passei eles para 32x32...

(3 edits)

Oh the guy behind Roguemance are you! I didn't realize that... I keep seeing your game on twiiter, it looks awesome! 

I thought I was following you before though... well I'm now :b

Also, I thought about adding something like a tavern to Dragonward, like a hub to get missions and improving the character, But I realized people would get easily bored anyway... I think the game style in general would fit mobile better.

EDIT: forgot to say, I'm from Minas

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Sadly I did not. The main influence for the fixed direction in Dragonward came from One Way Heroics. I have a particular interest for roguelike games, and that's also the reason why my game is turn based.

I could not play your game because I'm at work right now, but I saw a video and it looks really nice.

Something cool I found about it is that on the first prototype of Dragonward, it also had some HP increasing and restoring items scattered on the ground. So it was even closer to Eastward Quest than it is now. [:

One more coincidence: I'm brazillian too :b

Thank you for your awesome gameplay video and support to all the indiedev community.

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that Dragonward is on sale for the Halloween event.

Enjoy the special price and have fun! :D

(6 edits)

Hey, thanks for playing Dragonward! I'm glad that you found some joy in it.

The game actually features more content, it has more stages with different rules for the resources and a bit of variance on the monsters behaviors, and dungeons that makes it harder for surviving.

Also, choosing different answers for the events (question marks) may spice things as the outcome can change, and there's a trade off in between chance and reward (including bad things) according to the one you pick.

I hope you don't give up yet [:


Awesome! Thank you so much!