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A member registered Nov 29, 2019 · View creator page →

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That really makes my day to hear, I'll be making more for use. 

Thanks so much, I'm already working on more ^-^

You're the best, thanks for playing and for your feedback

I had a good time, thanks for making this

Merci beaucoup d'avoir joué. Vous avez raison, ce n'est pas complet. Je n'ai pas non plus eu le temps de terminer tout ce que je voulais à temps pour le concours et je développerai ce sujet une fois le jugement terminé.

That was neat. Good concept, good game. 

It was fun to play, nicely excecated. 

Fun game, good time. Concept is silly and I loved it. Risk vs reward is great

Cutscene was crazy. I did not understand the antivirs at all and ran strait into it 4 times before I figured out you were supposed to avoid the buttons

It was neat.

Love the concept. Guess I'm evil.

I wish the symbols meant sooner

I enjoyed myself, played for a good couple of minutes. I like the simple sprites and the vibrant solid  colors colors. The flipping screen was really fun and the whole thing felt solid to play. I got a little frustrated that I wasn't able to 'clear' each level segment. There was always one or two enemies left before it flipped the screen. Nice Job

Thanks, It all came down to time. I would have loved to implement all the animations and effects I worked on, but the clock ran us down. Thanks for the input, looking forwards to finishing this once the jam is ove

Nicely done, the sword need more range

I had a lot of fun with this, thanks for making it

Beautiful Game, music is great.

Fun time, short and simple

Thank you soo much

Thanks, I'll be adding more platforms, animations and some music once the judging is over

Thanks for the catch, I'll be tweaking distances and adding more platforms when the Jam voting is over