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A member registered Mar 28, 2022 · View creator page →

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I love this game! It’s very fun and challenging. Well done!

I'm just getting started with games. I've programmed web applications for years, and the technical challenge of making games interests me just as much as the final product, so I've been making games from scratch using the Odin programming language. Of course, the games I'm making are very simple right now, but I'm having a ton of fun.

Excellent, thanks. One of these days I'll have to try out RPGMaker. 

I'm looking forward to more updates!

Nice! Odin looks cool.

Definitely. I'm really enjoying it.

> I don’t know if the Odin binding of SDL binds the renderer API, but chances are it does.  Here’s an example of drawing a picture with SDL’s renderer.

Yup! It sure does.

OpenGL is a graphics API, for more or less giving flat instructions to the graphics card. SDL, however, includes a 2-D renderer out of the box which is very easy to use.

Ok, cool. I'll leave OpenGL for later. Odin has bindings for that, as well, when the time comes. 

Thank you for the detailed response!

I will be sure to check out all of those resources.

> Also, is there a specific reason why you don’t want to use SDL’s built-in renderer?

Not at all. Is that an alternative to OpenGL? I'm quite new to this, and I had just assumed OpenGL would be the thing to use for a game like this. I would prefer to do everything with SDL2. As you pointed out, I think that would make it easier on me as a beginner.

> What language are you planning to use?

I will be using Odin ( I have found it easy to follow any SDL2 tutorials that use C.

I'm very interested to know how you're building this game. Are you using any tools like Unity, or are you building this game from scratch?

I'm interested in learning how to program Retro / Top Down style RPG games. Games like The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past or Star Dew Valley.

I would like to program such games without using an engine, but only with SDL2 and OpenGL.

Can anyone share any recommendations, please? I'd be interested in any books, tutorials, courses, or people that write about such things.

Thank you in advance!

This is a great question. Thank you for asking it.

I am also a beginner, and I decided to start with SDL2 and the Odin programming language. I first got interested after starting with the Handmade Hero series, and the idea of working without much 3rd-party code or tools appeals to me. 

How is your learning going so far?